Sunday, October 6, 2024

Soccer, Cross Country, a Moose, and General Conference

 Henry got some mail from Auntie Rachel and her kids

He was excited to get these Marvel cards

The moose is back in town. I had to wait for it to cross the road this morning while I was on my way to work

Kim saw it right after on her way home from driving Lyza to school

It then decided to hang out in front of our house

We went out for dinner to Texas Roadhouse

Nixon and Henry had their soccer pictures a few weeks ago. Here is Nixon's team

And the man himself

Some pictures of Henry

Nixon had a good game and played really hard

This show was really close

He got a nice goal shortly after but I missed getting it on video

Henry had a great game and scored two goals!

He was happy after his first goal

And here is Henry's team

This day Mason had a couple of friends (who are twins) over to play

Kim did a hike with her friend Heather

Last weekend I replaced the rear shocks on my truck. Kim caught me in action.

While I was working on the truck she was running

Nixon had an epic soccer game last Saturday. Let me set the stage: The prior two seasons he had the same coach and many of the same team mates and they were really good. Last season they were undefeated and they would usually get 6-10 goals for their team each game. Nixon could usually get multiple goals each game and they had lots of fun. There were two boys on his team that were as good or better than him and other skilled kids. Well, there was some complaining about the super team and this season it got broken up. Nixon's current team has lots of kids that haven't played soccer before and not a lot of talent. It has been really hard and Nixon has been killing himself. They lost their first two games and last week was their third game.
So last week he played his former coach, and that team has the two kids from Nixon's prior teams that are really good (the coach's son and the assistant coach's son). We were a little worried.

Nixon played really hard and had an AMAZING game!

These are the two coaches sons that are quite good

Here is Nixon making it hard for the other team's best player

Nixon had a really good game. He scored 4 goals! His team still lost (8-6) but he had a really good game and it helped build his confidence back up
Here he is being congratulated by his former coach

I got a couple of his goals on film

Henry had his game after and he also did really well. He scored a goal and was really close on a few other shots. 

While this was all happening Kim and Lyza were at a stake youth activity in St. Maries. You can see Lyza here participating in a three-legged race

And Lyza learning how to swing dance

Kim caught us doing some scripture reading before bed

Mason got the highest score in his grade for a reading test and got to wear the first place medal

This last week the boys had their first cross country meet of the year
Here is Henry at the start line

Shortly after this shot he got tripped and fell down. He got right back up and kept running.
He ended out getting third place (there were two schools participating in this race)

He was SOOOO excited!

Then it was Mason's turn

Mason worked really hard and finished the race and was very proud of himself for finishing

Nixon had to wait until the final race for his turn

He is at the far side of the start line

Nixon had to work through a cramp on his side at the start

But he pushed through

He ended out finishing with third place!

The boys all worked really hard and I was so proud of them!

On a morning walk this week I ran into the moose (I had to change my route to stay out of its way)

Mason did some early morning raking one morning before school

They were really happy to make this fort Friday morning while Kim was at work and I was working from home

Nixon learned the joys of an open faced hot roast beef sandwich

Nixon's soccer game yesterday was a lot of fun to watch. His team played much better together. Nixon got the ball a lot and had a lot of shots on the net, but his shots were not going in. However, he had some other team mates that were getting good shots and some goals (he may have assisted a few of those too)
At half time he hadn't scored but his team was WINNING

When he got a break during the second half his coach was giving him some direction on what he could do differently

He eventually did score and his team got their first win of the season (5-2)

You can see from these clips that with how aggressive he was playing, it was only a matter of time until he scored

I didn't go to Henry's game but he did great, scored a goal, and his team won (currently undefeated).

We have been enjoying watching conference together. We had a snack dinner last night while we were watching

Have a great week