Sunday, February 24, 2019

Happy 5th Birthday Nixon!

Kim and the kids did some perler beads together
 My American daughter!
 We had a cool full moon last week so I took some pictures of it with my new zoom lens
 This was a few days later when it wasn't full anymore
These kiddos wouldn't let Kim get out of bed
 Lyza's piano lessons have resumed and she is doing a good job
 The kids played with glow sticks so I did a little long exposure photography

 We have had so much snow! In fact, we broke the previous record for snowfall in Cour d'Alene from 1949. Since this we have also had a few more inches of snow. I think we are probably at about 37" for the month of February
 Here is a picture of Henry just hanging out in his jumper
 Nixon had a lot of fun doing puzzles this day
 Here is picture of a work sheet Lyza brought home from school. She wrote the lyrics for Come Follow Me all over the sheet. 
 The roses we got last week hit their prettiest point this week
 That is some creation Nixon
 Mason had fun painting
 Then he drank the paint water...gross
 Lately when Kim asks Nixon to help Henry in his crib until she can get to him he jumps right in (literally) and helps
Nixon playing with Henry looks a little different than Mason playing with Henry
Kim got a new phone so Nixon and I broke in the silly picture filters the camera has

 I am glad he looks good in glasses because chances are...
Kim did an experiment with the kids too
They put milk on a plate then added drops of food coloring
Then they dipped a q-tip covered with soap in
Mason talking about his hard boiled egg is so cute
Kim took on the task of baking a gourmet birthday cake from scratch. She also got to buy some new cake decorating tools that she has wanted. 
 Nixon got to help with the left over icing
 Dipping strawberries for the top
 It turned out really nice

 Mason was sure he would be able to reach the balloon with this chair ;)
 This was Nixon's reaction when he woke up on his birthday
Nixon had lots of fun opening gifts

 It was nice that Lyza was able to help him read the cards

 Lyza spent several nights making birthday gifts for Nixon with perler beads. She is so thoughtful!
 Lyza got a scratch book for sacrament meetings for her birthday and Nixon has really wanted one. He got one
 Incredibles toys
 And an Incredibles costume!

 He got an Avengers sticker book
 Mason liked playing with Nixon's new toys
 New transformers
 Henry was so patient

 He was a happy super hero

 Here is Mason rubbing his blanket on his top lip 
 Nixon also got these cool Avengers shoes 
 He was so happy that his Mom bought him such good presents
 After the presents were opened we all sat around and played with them for a while

 Mason has way too much personality
 After we played with presents we picked up Nixon's friend Tanner and went to the bouncy house
I decided not to take the new camera because I thought the cell phone would be good enough. Well, low light, phone cameras, and running children don't add up to good pictures. I learned my lesson.
After the bouncy house it was time for cake

 The birthday boy and his cake
Nixon and Lyza were watching as I was picking pictures for the blog and they asked me to do some editing on the picture of Nixon and his cake. This is what we came up with together :)
 It was impossible to get all the kids to hold still for a picture before the cake because they were acting so silly 

 Happy Birthday Nixon!
He got all the candles blown out but there was quite a bit of smoke after. We told him that it was because he had so many candles ;)
 Cutting up the cake

 The kids loved it
 After cake I got to take Lyza and Nixon sledding and we had a lot of fun
While we were sledding Mason was "playing" with Henry
 I don't think they are equally enjoying this
 Nixon got to choose his birthday dinner and he chose shells with white cheddar sauce, smokies, crescent rolls, corn, deviled eggs, jello, and pickles. He has a very gourmet and mature palate. 
I did a birthday interview with Nixon today and recorded it
We love you Nixon and are so grateful you are part of our family!
Happy Birthday Nixon!