Sunday, February 3, 2019

How can Henry be 5 months old?

Lyza must have gotten the card playing genes from her mom
 Nixon is more like me, just wants to be in the spot light (except he deserves it more)
 Lyza is so pretty
 Nixon photo bombing Lyza
 Henry is 5 months old!

 That is one cool face Henry
 Canadian Corn Pops make the kids happy
 We had banana splits for dessert after family home evening. The kids were pretty happy about that

Lyza's school work gives us a fun insight into what she is thinking and feeling. Needless to say we were happy to see this
 Happy Henry
 We can't seem to get rid of this horse
 This is what a good brother looks like
 It is fun seeing all three of them in the same PJs
 Here is another peek into Lyza's mind. Maybe our back yard is big enough for a pony?
 That horse again!
 Nixon had a coupon to buy any single item at the grocery store. Cookies, ice cream, chocolate bar, donut...Nope. Strawberries!
 This one really makes me smile! She is so amazing.
 All of a sudden Mason can draw things that actually resemble something. Look at that cute face (the one he drew ;)
 I got elbowed in the eye at church ball and got (still have) a pretty sweet black eye. Well, last Friday (a week later) it was still pretty noticeable AND I had two different hearings in court that day. Kim had to help me with some makeup so that I didn't look like a thug in front of the judges. Judges don't like thugs. We fooled them :)
 Mason enjoying walking on the crunchy snow on the way back from the bus
 Henry is sitting in the tub supervising Kim cleaning the bathroom
 Fruit loop necklaces!

 It isn't a good idea to feed a 5 month old play dough
I gave Mason some air packs from a box we got and let him try and pop them. He tried so hard but couldn't do it. He needed to have his big sister help him out
I got to take the big kids to Home Depot to make valentine's heart shaped boxes on Saturday morning
 After that we went to gymnastics. The kids always laugh during the stretches
 This big cylinder thing was the new apparatus this week 
 Look at this boy hop
 They rolled on it on their tummy
Then into a somersault
 Too bad Lyza didn't have any fun ;)
 Or Nixon
 When the teacher was explaining that they were going to do the same thing but on their backs (a backward somersault) this was Lyza's reaction
 She did fine though
 Nixon too
 Look at that Superman jump
 Lyza's cartwheels are getting really good
 And look at the form of her one legged dog walk (I haven't seen that in the Olympics)
 Here is a video of one of their routines
The parachute at the end always puts smiles on their faces

 After gymnastics we got ice cream at the grocery store
 Meanwhile Mason was going nuts with stickers
 Mason ended out banging his head really hard on one of the edges of a couch and getting a goose egg on his forehead so he needed some ice and a little bit of TV to calm down
 It was been warm and rainy this week so we used the snow we had left before it was gone and made a tunnel in the biggest pile we had
 Kim took the camera out for a spin yesterday and used Henry as her subject. This was Henry's initial reaction
 It didn't take him too long though to warm up to his mamma
 He is so beautiful
We hope everyone has a good week and that everything goes well for the arrival of Baby Konietz this week.
Take care!


  1. Oh my goodness, Henry's 5 month photos are super cute and the ones of him at the end over Daniel's shoulder are hilariously adorable. He has cute expressions! Lyza, Nixon, and Mason look like they had a lot of fun this week. Hope you're enjoying warmer weather than us right now! :)

  2. I am with Sarah - how can Henry be that old already and his many expressions are so adorable esp. the one in the tub. He is saying 'really mom you put me in the tub'. Nixon is very handsome - love his hairstyle. Lyza is very pretty and grandma thinks she should get a horse if that is what she wants, come on mom and dad, what's the hold up with that? I have to say one of my favorite pictures this week is Mason walking in the snow. He looks sooo happy and he is sooo cute!!
