Sunday, March 31, 2019

We are ready for you spring...SPRING BREAK!

The wonderful primary presidency planned a family game night for our ward and Kim and Lyza were able to go (I was home with sick boys)
This is one of the fun games that Lyza participated in
The squirrels have been very active in our back yard

This one was digging some pretty deep holes and I had to chase him away

Cool sunglasses Nixon
A couple of Sundays ago Lyza and I set up the new tripod and played around with it

Nixon joined in with his beautiful blue lips

We played some games and played with puzzles in the afternoon

This looks like trouble
I know I am in the video but I have no recollection of this happening (that is my story and I am sticking to it)
When you are just dying to get outside after a long winter you throw on some winter boots and a hoodie and traipse around in the snow in your pajamas

And you might as well swing while you are at it
Although there was some hope that the snow would eventually melt
Nixon helped me shovel all of the snow off the porch
My beautiful wife
If Spider Man was also a fire fighter
When the weather warmed up the kids could at least ride their bikes on the sidewalks where people have shoveled
Mason playing in the snow in the back yard in his pajamas
It was all fun and games until he fell down

For St. Patrick's Day Kim made some fun green drinks for the kids

After our kids finally got feeling better they were able to do these water tornadoes for preschool 

They also made clouds, which the kids really liked
His attire seems to suggest some confusion about the season
Mason has been OBSESSED with this hat and a variety of gloves and mittens
Kim painted Lyza's finger nails
Nixon also got one nail painted (he asked to have it off within a few minutes)
Pretty nails
Henry did pretty good with this avocado. His tray was completely green by the end
Lyza and Nixon colored these for their Grandma Bullock
These two have been really interested in Spider Man lately (I know that is not hard to believe for Nixon)
They even exercise together
Hearing Mason sing to Henry is pretty cute
My wife kind of like to scare our kids sometimes
Is there anything cuter than seeing Lyza read the Friend magazine to Nixon?
I guess this is kind of cute too
I got to go to Lyza's parent-teacher conference and hear all about what a wonderful student she is. Nixon was with me and wasn't too interested. So I gave him my phone to let him take pictures. The credit for this shot goes to him.
We surprised the kids and went to Welling for the start of Lyza's spring break. Kim packed everything without telling them (shows how observant they are to what is happening around them) and we left early in the morning without telling them where we were going. When asked Kim told them first that we were going to run some errands, then that turned into getting gas, then a car wash, until we finally told them. 
We had lots of fun. Here is a video of some of the highlights:
Spring is here and we are loving it! Hope you are too!
Take Care

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Snow, snow, go away!

Meet Nixon, the smiling robot
 We have been seeing the squirrels more now that the weather is warming up and now that we have a decent zoom lens we can get good pictures of the squirrels

We watched the original Marry Poppins with the kids last week. Here is Lyza trying to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
 Before church the kids have recently been doing this
Mason was so tired Saturday afternoon that he fell asleep on the floor watching videos
 Lyza just had to get out and play in the snow
 It was such a beautiful day on Sunday that I took Nixon and Mason on a walk before dinner. We saw a couple different propeller planes fly over us

There were lots of puddles to splash in and I was encouraging the boys to splash but every once and a while I forgot I was OK with it and I would find myself telling the kids to stay out of the puddles. I guess there is something to be said for habit and repetition
 Mason has decided again that he really loves eating peas 

I think this preschool activity was teaching something about clouds? Sounds right

 Kim surprised Lyza one day last week and took her out of school at lunch so they could go to the open gymnastics afternoon

 It is fun watching Henry eating baby food. He has a very unique way of eating that we didn't see with the other kids
 It is also fun to watch Kim's facial expressions while she is feeding him (thanks for posing since I missed the actual shot ;)

He is such a smiley boy
 I woke up one morning and Mason was already up and out of bed and excited to show off his Mr. Potato Head creation
 Mason also learned how to draw a spider this week and was really proud of himself. If anyone wants one of these we have at least a hundred
 Lyza missed a day of school this week because she wasn't feeling well. She got to do lots of reading.
 Kim has a workout buddy
 We love this smiling face
 Nixon can be so helpful. Here he is vacuuming his room.
 And proud of his creation
 I am always amazed at how messy Mason can get even with the smallest amounts of food. This was a tiny square that he had for dessert

 Lyza and Nixon got a game out and played without asking for any help
 Henry was busy eating as usual
 I had the camera out and Lyza decided that she wanted to get involved
The Light Brites are lots of fun
 Kim and I went on a date last night to...wait for it...Costco. When we got back we unloaded the groceries and in between trips and putting stuff away Mason got his hands on the jelly beans (which are supposed to be a potty treat for him when we start potty training)
 He didn't want to give them back to Kim because they are "too yucky for you" but apparently not too yucky for him
During breakfast on Saturday morning we had some squirrels putting on a show for us

It is funny hearing Lyza talking about using an electric net around our apple tree to keep the squirrels away
Kim wasn't able to teach the second day of preschool this week because all of the sick kids in our house
So we decided to play with the thing they were going to do for preschool. We combined two pop bottles together and made a water tornado/whirl pool with them

 It was really mesmerizing

We hope you all have a great week!