Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lyza's first 5 weeks!

So on Friday our little Lyza bean turned 5 weeks old! She has been such a good girl this week and has been sleeping 4-6 hours at a time during the night, eating and then sleeping another 4 hours! It has been nice to get caught up on some sleep and I am starting to feel like myself again and not like such a zombie! From here on out you can expect all of my posts to be pretty much just about Lyza since our lives now revolve around her and we are loving it!

We had a great Christmas and were so happy that we were able to visit with all of our family over the holidays! It has been fun to have Lyza at home with us and I thought I would take just a minute to show what she has been up to!

Here is a video of Lyza vocalizing

 Lyza has been giving us some great smiles lately. You will have to excuse the dirty face in this video, she had just woken up.
Below is a picture of Lyza on her change pad. It is  her favorite place to hang out. It doesn't matter how fussy she is the second you lay her down here she is all smiles. She loves to lay there as long as possible and just kick her legs.
 This is the one and only time Lyza took a soother. I think she was a little embarrassed to have it because this is how she slept.
 Here she is again...happy to be on her change pad.
 Every once in a while she is happy to go in her baby carrier so I can free up my hands and get  few things done.

 This picture was taken on her 1 month birthday. The teddy bear is from her Dad :)

Daniel out shoveling all of our snow. It feels weird to have so much snow but it is still so warm. the temperature is always right around 0*C. We get a lot of snow and then it will warm up a little and rain and then cool off just enough so that everything is covered in ice. We are happy to have winter tires down here! This past week we got 22 inches of snow. Daniel even got a snow day from university!

When we lay Lyza down to sleep we always lay her down length wise in the crib so her head is facing the top and this is usually how she is when we check on her later. If she slept long enough I bet she would spin herself in a complete circle. I already know we are going to have to keep a close eye on her!

 Snoozin in her new swing.
 We are enjoying this little girl and can't believe how quickly she is growing! She was weighed yesterday and is now up to 8lbs 4oz! I think we will have to pack up her newborn clothes in the next week or so which is a little sad. But we are enjoying watching her grow!