Not much is new this week except the return of Lyza's appetite! She has been eating like it is going out of style. Growth spurt! Also her top two i-teeth have come through and the bottom two are not far behind.
Lyza and Kim had some fun at the park.
Lyza loves to sit on the arm of the rocking chair.
Lyza decided that I made a good chair while she played on the fridge
Lyza loves to say "bye-bye," walk into her room, close the door, then come out and look for us (hoping we will scare her)
And of course to battle all of those extra calories from her continuous eating she has been doing a lot of dancing.
In this arrangement Lyza incorporates several modern styles of dance: Happy Feet, The Sumo, The Chicken, Twirly-Twirl, and The Hip-Hop Sway among others.
Here is a video of Lyza feeding herself. She is getting pretty good.
Here is a video of Lyza feeding herself. She is getting pretty good.