Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3, 2013

 Daniel and I have both had a busy/crazy week so I don't have anything very fun to fill you in on. Lyza on the other hand always has something fun to share.
The other morning after I got Lyza out of bed the first thing she wanted to do was go to the kitchen, open up as many cupboards as she could and start emptying them.
 This is where she decided to gather all of the big bowls.
 Playing peek-a-boo with her bedroom door.
 Sporting her new backpack!
 She had a great time the other day playing with cornstarch and water. It sure made a mess but at least she had fun!
 Painting a picture with water and ice cubes.
 Playing with the flannel board.
 It was so cute yesterday as Lyza sat in the tub and read me her bath time book. She had a lot of things to tell me about bath time!
 The other day I gave Lyza a muffin tin filled with different types of dried beans and pasta. For 45 minutes straight she moved them from one cup to the next and then would stir them with the longer fettuccine noodles. I think she will like to help in the kitchen when she is a little older.
We are quickly realizing that kids develop attitude while they are young....Lyza is already giving us a little taste of her own attitude. You will see in the video that it doesn't matter what we ask her she always gives us the same response....No! I think we are in trouble with this little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Lyza is so stinkin' cute! Love her! She is such a big girl with her stories and climbing!! xo
