Sunday, September 8, 2013

Videos and a Quick Update

Since it takes so long to upload videos we don't add as many as we would like to. Here are a few that are too good to pass up:
Here is a video with Lyza and her cousins in Radium. She absolutely loved  playing with her cousins.
Here is the next verse of the same song:

This is a video of Lyza showing off some of her dance moves and muscular physique:
Lyza loves playing with her barn. She has a great time with the farmer and the animals
 Here Lyza layed out all of her finger puppets, then asked me for a blanket so she could put them to sleep. She gave each and every one of them a nigh-night kiss!
 Riding the donkey at the park

 She loves the "tunnels"
 Hanging out at the doctor's office
 Lyza loves swings. This was at our ward party on Friday night. Her cumulative time on swings was easily over an hour.

 Lyza also loves looking at pictures. She will sit down and watch slideshows of pictures and point out everyone and everything she sees
 While Kim was getting Lyza dressed the other day Lyza insisted that she wear her pajamas over her clothes. Good thing we didn't have to leave the house
 Fun times finger painting

 Big Sister!

Since you made it this far you get the reward of watching another awesome dance video
That's all for now. Take care.

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