Sometimes Lyza surprises me. She was outside drawing on the driveway and I asked her to draw me a sun. I think her yellow sun on the left is pretty good considering her age
Lyza likes to help feed Nixon, although this picture looks like she is picking his nose
Kim helped Lyza make some Halloween crafts this week
She has been really proud of her spiders and the fact that she knows spiders have eight legs and eight eyes.
This picture is too cute not to post for the grandmas. Eventually my son will resent me for this...
Nixon's crawl has turned from an army crawl to a jungle crawl. He looks a lot like Mowgli from The Jungle Book. He has earned the nickname "Mowgli Baby" at church
Lyza helped me carve our third Jack O' Lantern this year for me to take to work
Lyza got her nails done for her costume
On Thursday Kim got the kids all dressed up for a Halloween party at the library
There were lots of kids at the library. Lyza immediately found a little girl dressed up as Elsa and said "Oh, Queen Elsa you are SOOOO beautiful." Lyza followed her around for several minutes as if she was a celebrity
Lyza was also pretty interested in meeting Superman. He looks like he didn't mind the attention
Lyza had lots of fun and was really interested in meeting all of the other kids and checking out their costumes. She even found Princess Anna to be her dance partner.
Here is Lyza showing off the craft she made at the library
She got Jack O' Lantern quesadillas for lunch
Nixon had no problem getting into the Halloween spirit
Mr. Nixon with Lyza's candy bucket
This reminds me of Lyza's first Halloween
He looks pretty cute. His smile matches the Jack O' Laterns
He looks pretty cute. His smile matches the Jack O' Laterns
These two came trick-r-treating to my office and I got to show them off to everyone
After that we went to the resort and got candy from the shops inside
Then we went up and down Sherman Ave. and all of the stores were handing out candy. We couldn't believe how many people were there
It was a little too much excitement for this little guy
In front of Grandma Keyes's favorite store
We had a fun time trick-r-treating downtown
After that we went home and had some dinner. Then we went around to the houses in our neighborhood. There weren't very many houses handing out candy but we still had a good time. It was also raining but rain can't stop a witch on a mission.
At every door Lyza would ring the door bell, knock on the door, then yell trick-r-treat
Lyza got a pretty good amount of candy. Hopefully she will share!
We all felt a little guilty for eating so much candy yesterday that we did a family work out this morning to burn it all off. Notice Lyza's weights?
Now that we have Halloween behind us it is time to start preparing for Christmas.
Take Care.
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