Sunday, December 7, 2014

The obsessed overload revolts...

I don't like naming blog posts, so I used this site to name this week's post:
Kim has been doing a daily Christmas gift/activity for Lyza. They are just simple gifts like Christmas books we already have and simple Christmas activities. She is having lots of fun

 Bubble wrap is always a hit
 This girl really loves books
 This boy loves to play. He thought he was so funny with that toy in his mouth
 One day while Kim was washing dishes Lyza pulled a chair up to stand on and face her mother and she said "do you want to talk together?" She is growing up so quickly!
 Lyza had her last swimming lesson this week. It was bittersweet because she fell asleep on the way to the lesson so she wasn't in the best mood for that lesson. But overall she really liked her swimming lessons

 One day Lyza's Christmas activity was to help her mama make a Christmas pillow case for Lyza's room
 I guess she liked the pillow case so much that she was afraid to get her head all over it?
 Yesterday we did a couple of fun Christmas activities. First we went to Cabela's to meet with Santa. While I was waiting in line with Nixon Lyza made tree decotations
 The kids enjoyed "driving" the ATVs

 They also liked the fish tank

 Lyza found a fishing rod that would be perfect for her first fishing trip with Grandpa Bullock
 All of the "big stuffed animals" were very interesting 

 There were mixed reactions to Santa (looking at Santa's backdrop it is obvious that we are in Northern Idaho). Anytime someone, including the real Santa Claus, asks Lyza what she wants for Christmas she always replies "a present." When asked what kind of present, she then responds " a red present." To cute! (spelled incorrectly because the internet generation don't care about grammar and stuff) #yolo #lol #mykidsarethecutest #canneverhaveenoughhashtagsaroundhere
After that we went on a carriage ride around downtown Coeur d'Alene. 
By the time we got in the carriage it was getting dark and all of the Christmas lights were on. It was really pretty.

 This picture doesn't quite do it justice, but the resort was all lit up really nice

 Here are some videos
Here is a video of how Nixon uses Lyza's turtle as a walker
Nixon has learned how to clap
He also really likes to smack his lips
He has a really funny sister that keeps him entertained and laughing all the time
That's it for now. We are getting pretty excited for Christmas!
Take care

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