Sunday, January 25, 2015

Lots of Family Fun this Week

With our Sunday services beginning at 11 am now (before they started at 9 am) Nixon is more of a handful because he doesn't nap at church. During the second hour he has so much energy and he cannot be contained. This last week I took him into a portion of the gym that wasn't being used and started his basketball training
He is a natural
Monday was Martian Luther King Jr. Day so I had the day off to spend with the family. We started the day by going to the church and playing in the gym 
 Then we went to Triple Play and played games and had a lot of fun together. Of course Kim was there with us but she never made it to any of the pictures. 
Lyza got this little kitty and some smarties ("rockets" in the Canadian) with the tickets that we won from the games
 A friend of ours gave us a calendar that has a craft you can do everyday. She knows how much we like crafting in this house! Here is one of the crafts Kim and Lyza made this week - a gnome, of all things!
 Lyza loved her little garden gnome. So much that she HAD to take it shopping the next day and lost it in the store :( She was pretty devastated. RIP little gnome
 Who has such cute hair when taking a bath?
 I had the pleasure of changing a flat tire in the snow this week. Lucky me!
 Our little guy turned 11 months this week! Wow, we can't believe we will be celebrating his birthday next month

 Sometimes we find our daughter sleeping in really interesting positions
Here she must have fallen off of her bed without waking up
Her blanket (which actually has a hood) on her head
 She wasn't impressed with being filmed as she was waking up. Would you be?
Having a fun time cooking
Lyza had gymnastics lessons again yesterday and had a blast
 Lyza helped her mom make raspberry jam yesterday. Lyza's jam is the best! 
 Saturday night bath time is always an adventure around here
Our little boy can be so silly
He loves to play peek-a-boo

Nixon and Lyza played this game for a long time (the video is the end of the game and of course not as intense as their playing before). Lyza would pop up the toy and Nixon would close them as fast as he could. They did this for a long time

Nixon likes to dance. It is hard to catch on camera, Here is a glimpse

I think that is all for now. Take care

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Our little boy is growing up so fast

Our little boy is quickly becoming more mobile than we are ready for. He is climbing on everything!
He even climbs on his turtle
 He also started walking this week :)
When he decided it was time to walk he naturally got a lot of attention and praise. His big sister did not want to be outdone
She is also really proud of him. When he walks she usually congratulates him or claps
She has been addicted to puzzles
 Nixon also likes to pretend that he is talking on the phone
I took my oath of attorney for my Washington state license this week 

Now I just have to wait for the Washington Supreme Court to ratify it and I will be licensed to practice law in Washington
We got a babysitter so Kim could come with me. After we had a nice relaxing, and quiet, lunch together. What a treat!
 Lyza has been really interested in head bands since she saw one of her cousins wearing one at Christmas time. She got a headband this week and really wanted to show me how it looked, but I was at work. With the blessing of technology Kim was able to take a picture and send it to me at work so Lyza could show off her new accessory. What a girl! 
 Lyza + snow = getting snow thrown at you
Lyza had another gymnastics class today. Here she is on the balance beam for the first time. With that concentration you would think she is walking a tightrope
Afterward we went for a quick walk around the Post Falls dam/falls. It was really pretty 

 It was also a little bit cold and the pathways were REALLY icy
We have really been enjoying how our two kids interact together. They actually have fun together sometimes. Lyza especially is really good to try and make Nixon happy
That's all for now. Take care

Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's a New Year

We made it through Christmas and it is nice to be home. The kids are enjoying their new toys from Christmas. Lyza got this magic coloring book and colored the whole thing in one sitting!
 We got Lyza's laptop back from Santa's shop and it is all fixed ;) What a pretty dinosaur
 Her dinosaur also dances
 Proud of her artistic ability
Here is a cute video of our happy little boy
 This little guy loves to get into the kitchen cupboards and scatter everything all over. Lately making a meal is more like navigating through an obstacle course

 Lyza enjoyed playing in the snow. It doesn't last long around here so you have to play in it while you got it

 Lyza had a couple of princesses over for lunch this last week. Look at their portions, no wonder they stay so slim
 Nixon is turning into a little monkey. Lately he likes to climb up onto Lyza's bed
 Lyza was pretty proud of herself with this trick. She kept telling us that everything looked really funny
 Kim took the kids to an indoor playground and Nixon was climbing up the slide
 Lyza had her first gymnastics class yesterday. They played with a parachute
 Learned how to stretch

 She had to jump through a lot of hoops to keep her teacher happy
 There was lots of jumping

 And even some crab-walking
Lyza had a lot of fun and is excited to go back next week
One of the funniest things I saw this week was Lyza dancing with her shadow while listening to Taylor Swift
That's all for now. Take care