Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Autumn Family Fun

These two make a pretty fun pair when they're not at each other's throats. Thanks Lyza for letting Nixon wear your hat.
 This girl's preschool is going well. She loves to learn and create

 "I'm going to go down head first"
 "Me too"

Nixon took what he learned from Lyza and went down the twirly slide head first. It was a little bit of a fail
 What a handsome little man!
Here is Lyza and a friend building with blocks
Lyza loved playing with this thing (a piece of contact paper taped to the window)
We enjoyed watching General Conference as a family a couple of weekends ago. The kids were pretty good
Lately when Kim takes the kids to a park she spends most of her time chasing Nixon. He likes to run away and explore
This is the road to our house with the leaves changing colors
For a family home evening activity we all played with play dough. Lyza thought it was pretty fun that we made spiders

Kim has been getting crafty. She made these pumpkins at a Relief Society activity
The Halloween felt board shapes have kept the kids busy
The typical results of a wrestling match between these two
This Saturday we took our annual trip out to do some apple picking and enjoy the harvest festival at Greenbluff farms. Nixon ate an apple like a big boy on the drive out to get prepared
A nice group of girls offered to take a picture for us and of course we didn't turn that down
"How much for the two cute ones?"

So sweet
The kids enjoyed tromping around through the pumpkins
They were heavier than Nixon expected

It's so nice to get out and do something different
Strike a pose
The kids LOVED feeding the sheep!

My favorite part is the mini pumpkin donuts!
The tractor ride is fun too

We didn't choose the best farm for apple picking. It was pretty picked over, but we still had a good time looking for apples

I shared this video on Facebook already, but it is too funny not to share here as well. Lyza thinks knock-knock jokes are really funny!
Nixon figured out how to move around while strapped in his high chair
That's all for now. Take care.

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