Monday, April 25, 2016

If only my cell phone battery had energy like these kids...

A caterpillar on a walk
 This little dry erase board has been a surprise hit
 It would be nice if kids liked washing dishes as much as they liked playing with bubbles in the sink
 Cool boy
 Their building skills are getting pretty impressive
 Building with tooth picks and marshmallows
 This is Nixon's kind of building

 Fun with Remy
 I am not sure why this picture is here. Kim picked the pictures for the post and I get to narrate them. Maybe she is challenging me to make a good story out of a seemingly boring goes: This is me giving Lyza a little pep talk in between rounds of a boxing match between her and Nixon...Nixon ultimately won
 Chair rides 
 family walks are our favorite
 We are really excited to get some strawberries this year
 Lets gather all of the blankets and pillows we can find 
 Banana break at the park
 Lyza and her bestie
 The kids helped Kim wash the van this week

 Fun learning the letter "N"
 Picnic outside in the back yard, I ate lunch in my office by myself :(

 Nixon nibbles a piece of cheese into the shape of a boot and then got mad that it didn't fit on his foot
 They look like an old married couple 
 Ready or not...

 Swings make him smile
 Lyza found all kinds of pretty yellow flowers (dandelions) 
 Good action shot Kim! 
 Burger King lunch with daddy

 We went to a family celebration put on by the City of Post Falls this week. They provided a meal complete with a fruit and yogurt ice cream cone 
 The kids got to explore a fire truck

There were some activities at the library and Nixon went to the computer and started pretending that he knew what he was doing 
 The kids played kitchen together and made a meal
 Lyza insisted that they say a prayer on the food first
 Saturday morning my two favorite girls made a delicious breakfast together
 This guy loves to mow the lawn, just a year or two more before I can turn him loose with the real mower
 I think you need a bigger chair champ
 I have no idea what is going on here...I can only imagine
 Nixon playing princess dress up with Lyza and her bestie
 He also loved to drive on the car with this little guy who is just over a year old
Nixon has been obsessed with the Cat in the Hat animated video. Lyza has also been singing one of the songs from that video. The original video is below, listen from 1:45 through 2:02
Here is Lyza's version (the first part got cut off :(
Here is a video of the baby (alien) living in Kim's tummy
We are excited for our upcoming Canada vacation. Take care

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
