Sunday, February 5, 2017

Lots of costume changes

Last post I wished for an early spring, which must have jinxed us here. But more on that later.
Mason and I were excited to go to church together a couple of weeks ago
The kids asked to play outside and found the only place in the yard that isn't covered in snow 
 Reading with Mom is the best!
Sometimes with Mason we aren't sure if he is happy or about to melt down
This girl has some pretty awesome moves
She can also be really helpful. She had lots of fun learning how to sweep the floor 
 We have been playing a lot of superheros here
 Right now it is rare to see either of our older kids without a costume on. Even right before church. It is still a struggle to explain why we can't wear Spider Man costumes to church...
 Or Minnie Mouse ears with an owl purse/necklace...
 Nixon and I were matching for church last week
 But we don't always match...honestly ;)
Mason is 7 months old! We love him a lot! 
 He loves his fox
 He loves to stick out his tongue right now

Mason also loves to dance

He is pretty ridiculous when he is falling asleep. This is the sound he makes
We are lucky to have Batman clean our table after dinner 
 The park is a very different place under a couple feet of snow. Suddenly those horses are not so high off the ground
 The slide is still fun
 So is climbing up a big hill and sliding down, if you are smart enough to slide down the flat part and not the part that is super bumpy
Nixon didn't really understand that he should like down the smooth part, he can be pretty stubborn
The river is super low
 Nixon loves dressing up in costumes, regardless of the intended gender
Too bad he doesn't like performing for the camera, this American has talent!
Being a snow queen is exhausting
The preschool gang and their completed floor puzzle 
 Even dragons get owies
This is Nixon while eating a single Oreo. Not too much mess. 
This is his older sister Lyza after eating a SINGLE Oreo. So messy! 
One of the preschool days this week was about habitats 
 They had a yummy treat that was supposed to be like dirt with groundhogs (teddy grahams) in it for Groundhogs Day. Notice how messy her face is with only a single bite? 
 For Groundhog day they made little groundhogs that would come out of their burrows
This little guy is so sweet (most of the time)
He has also been teething, so he has his not-so-sweet moments 
  The older kids went to the dentist this week
 Nixon held Lyza's hand to help her feel safe, until it was his time to get into the chair and then he needed to be held by his mamma because he is not as brave as he thought
 Kim and I both got colds so we had a relaxing movie night on Friday with some snacks and cuddles
 After the kids went to bed Kim and I played some Mario Kart and Donkey Kong. Lots of fun!
 We have gotten another 12 inches of snow over the last day and a half :(
I guess that is what I get for thinking we would get an early spring.
We like to help our widowed neighbor with shoveling her snow and yesterday I borrowed her little snow thrower and did both her driveway and ours. It isn't the most powerful little machine, but it sure beats lifting all of the snow
 Lyza and I helped clean the church yesterday morning and it was an awesome experience. She was so happy to be helping and taking pride in our church building

 On a day with too much snow and runny noses we found some fun activities to do inside, like painting

And jenga

And puzzles
 1 o'clock church has been better than I thought. It has been nice to have lazy mornings together
Nixon is the drill sergeant in the house and gets himself all dressed for church by 9am  
That is it for now. Take care

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