Sunday, June 11, 2017

Hiking in Bear Country

Google made this collage of pictures of Mason and me. I sure love this little boy
 Lyza got a spinosaurus model that we put together

 We tried brownie waffles in our new waffle maker and they were A-Maze-Ing!
 Kim got this awesome picture of the kids together
 We found this frog in our front flower garden
The kids had a fun time trying to catch it

 For family home evening we visited a family in our ward that has lots of different animals
Mason LOVED the goats! He liked to pull their fur and they liked to bite his clothes. It was an even relationship
 Do you think Lyza is enjoying this? The goat was munching on her hair.

 They also had a horse

 Mason doesn't look too sure about this, but he warmed up pretty quickly
 Mason laughed a lot at the chickens and chicks

 The kids had fun feeding the bunny

 Lyza was brave enough to hold the bearded dragon. Her uncle Ben would be so proud!
 The joys of early summer, we are on constant watch for new nests that need to be vacuumed up with the shop vac 
 Looks like the kids had a fun time playing with the water tables

 Look at these creatures in our tree
 Pretty girl
 Of course there was a trip to the beach
 Followed by an ice cream cone...yum!
 Kim is so happy these flowers have bloomed and surprised that they have multiple colors on the same plant
 Student driver coming through
 She can spell her name with almost anything!
 Strawberries were an amazing deal this week so Kim bought and processed a lot!
 Some of those strawberries ended out being dipped in chocolate
 Good job Lyza!
Mason is getting better and better at walking
Yesterday we went hiking on Canfield Mountain, which is just on the east edge of Coeur d'Alene
 The kids were so excited to go hiking in "bear country." So we played along and told them that we were in bear county

 We only came across one bear...
Mason had a nice long nap 

 That is a heavy load
 After w did a little shopping at the hardware store

 Out railing in front of our house is weather worn and needs some TLC
 We started sanding it yesterday...what a miserable job
We might be done a year or two
 Maybe longer is we aren't actually working ;)
 Mason has some long hair on the back of his head
 Or he did...he also still has both of his ears, which is a miracle with how much he was moving during his trim

Mason's first animal sound is an owl
Take care

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the post. Your kids are adorable. Have a great week!
