Our boys love to look out into the backyard and watch birds and squirrels
Last week Nixon helped his mom plant the garden
I am not sure how he got so cool...
It must be genetic. But it certainly didn't come from me.
It has been a while since the kids made forts
Nixon used his huge muscles to help Kim carry in the groceries
Lyza was given the option to pick up toys or learn how to load the dishwasher...this was her choice
Here is a beetle in our bathroom
Here is Lyza explaining how the beetle got in our bathroom
The kids have been OBSESSED with the Greatest Showman and all of its songs. Here is Mason (with some help) singing one of the songs
Mason saying Hi to grandma
Nixon's latest build, a huge airplane (or as he says it "A-plane")
Eating breakfast with his friends
He loves his green beans ("Iron Man beans") so much
Mason loves jumping on the trampoline, but usually only by himself
My little sister had a birthday this week (you know who you are, if you even read this thing) and we got the cutest video of Mason singing happy birthday
Lyza dissected an owl pellet and brought these bones home. I remember doing that in school and loving it
Here she is picking it all apart with twezers
Looking at it with the microscope
Who sleeps like this? Mason...all the time
The kids love eating their lunch outside
Nixon had a friend come over and play and they were so cute together
There was a mommy daughter night at the church last week and Lyza had lots of fun getting a makeover from one of her friends
Don't they look so much prettier?
I got to play at the park with my monkey boys
Spider Man can be so helpful
Mason has been doing a really good job clearing the table after meals
Kim took the boys to the store during the day to pick out some flowers. Nixon was smelling them all and talking about how beautiful they smelled. Apparently he had all of the old ladies swooning
Kim got a big bubble refill and Nixon would not let go of it he was so excited
These two have been loving bubbles in the back yard. Mason is even getting pretty good at blowing bubbles
Heavy load...
First bonfire of the year
When you can't decide if you want your pants on or off...
Yummy hot dogs
Eating outside at the new picnic table. Not quite as relaxing as we were hoping. Maybe some day
That is why his cheeks are so chubby, they are full of marshmallows
Teaching Nixon how to roast the perfect marshmallow
What a cute Batman
I got this picture of the kids after church last week
How is this comfortable?
This is what Mason got to play with after Kim took all of the kitchen knives away...eek
Look at that adorable face
Mason thinks he is so brave climbing
Practicing his magic spells
We have done a lot of mulching in the backyard
We are pleased with the results
This is my favorite spot to read to Mason before bed
"Want a pretzel?"
Kim and Nixon did some preschool on the magnet board
He is pretty proud of himself
The kids rediscovered this fun toy
Just swinging around
Lyza and her friend had a competition to see who could put the most color on their coloring page. They decided it was a tie at the end
While I was mowing the yard the ran into (literally) a little frog. It wasn't too badly damaged so I gave it to Lyza to play with. She had lots of fun with it for a few hours before it finally decided it had enough ;)
Nixon got some play time too
Notice the legs don't look symmetrical? That was the weed eater's fault
Here is a little video of my kids doing some of their signature dance moves. This is dedicated to the little frog that made a girl's morning, then broke her heart and allowed her dad to have some good cuddles with her
Happy Mother's Day!
Thank you so much to the mothers in my life
This was Kim's first mother's day as a mother
Things have sure changed
Kim is such a wonderful and loving mother. I had to leave the house right after church and take care of some church business (I know it is Mother's day). It was such a sweet sight to come home an hour later and see Kim out in the back yard reading to the kids and spending quality time with them on her "day off." She is the best and she is loved!
Of course I have to express my gratitude for my own mother who is simply amazing
I have also been blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law
Mothers are truly amazing and mine are no exception. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland perfectly described the divine calling of mother when he said "no love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child."
I have witnessed that selfless love firsthand in my life.
Thank you so much to the mothers in my life!
Oh my the Keyes family if a very busy family. Okay I have to say the picture of Mason with his pants down and the look on Nixons face really cracked me up. Daniel your back yard looks sooo awesome - good job. Tell Nixon I will make sure we have plenty of green beans on hand for Iron Man.