Sunday, October 21, 2018

Lots of smiles

Last week for church Nixon and I wore matching ties. He was also excited at how high I got his hair
 Mason with the perfect cheesey face before church
 Nixon (and Mason) got to go to the fire station for preschool
Whenever I see pictures at the fire station I think the only color in the photo should be red (maybe that is lame)
 Nixon liked seeing this guy in his full gear. The kids thought his voice was really funny. Nixon asked him to snort like a pig...and he did! 
 The big kids love helping and playing with Henry
 Making his own sandwich?
 Sleeping Beauty Handsome
Mason has so much energy!
 He never stops
 He still likes lining up all of the cars
Mason also has a really good sense of humor when he isn't throwing some sort of fit
 One morning this week there were lots of birds out (probably trying to eat all of gnats that we have). We even had two wood peckers in the back yard
 The boys were thoroughly entertained watching all of the birds
 Now that Mason doesn't nap regularly he occasionally passes out when he is doing something low energy like watching TV

Get ready for some adorable baby Henry smiles

 Lyza lost another tooth. She waited until it got really loose and pulled it out herself
 After an almost sleepless night with four different kids being up at various times, Kim decided she would give me, Mason, and Nixon haircuts (before even eating breakfast)
Mason needed the most convinving
He looked pretty cute after
Nixon looks like a male model (ridiculously good looking)
 Ever since Mason was introduced to eating frozen corn this summer at Uncle Wes and Aunt Joanne's house he has loved frozen corn as a snack 
 He even tries to share it with all of us, which turned into sticking our tongues out at each other yesterday
 He is so cute when he is happy!
 Mason was my site supervisor while I blew out the sprinkler system yesterday
 Lyza has been sick all weekend but still manages to smile once and a while
 Nixon used some of his own money to buy a Spider-Man web shooter this week. Yesterday he got to try it out
He had lots of fun for the few minutes the web lasted

 The web (silly string) didn't last very long. Fortunately it can also be used with water so he can still use it that way
 Lyza bought a bunch of used beanie babies, which are mostly animals so she has really been enjoying playing with them
 I know this picture doesn't look like much but it was the view I had when I woke up this morning. I love Henry's silhouette 
 The kids were really good this morning keeping Henry happy by showing him all of the new beanie babies.
 After that Nixon rocked him for a while until he fell asleep
That's all for now. Take care

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fall is So Beautiful!

Nixon in the morning excited for preschool
Mason has been obsessed with lining toys up

You know you are a big deal when there is a chocolate bar named after you!
Our little boy can smile! Of course we have yet to capture the best ones, but we got something

Who watches TV like this? Mason is actually passed out. I guess he was tired. Since Mason has stopped napping daily you never know what you are going to get from him in the afternoon.
We went out to dinner as a family this week. The kids behaved pretty well. Lyza thought it was the best thing ever. She asked if we can eat out every night. Nice try.

Stretching or cheer leading?
Isn't that the cutest most kissable face ever?
The kids were so excited when Kim got gloves and hats out
Good work on the puzzle Nixon
This is the view out of our front window right now
This guy is turning into quite the little entertainer. He kept making these silly faces and then laughing about it

But then he also does weird things like this
He is sure silly
Where is Nixon? Better question is "where are my shoes now?"
Miss Lyza has become a reading machine. Kim bought a large set of beginner books for her to practice on and she has been reading a lot. She has even chosen to read instead of having screen time 😃

Nixon had green eggs and ham for preschool on Friday and wanted more. So I made him some for breakfast on Saturday.
After Nixon and I raked up a bunch more pine needles we played on the swings with Mason

Mason and I were alone together Saturday afternoon while everyone else were at the church practicing for the primary program. After an hour of Just Dance, Mason and I walked down to the park.
The changing leaves were so beautiful!

The reflections off the still river were awesome
I couldn't get him to hold still enough to get any good pictures

The colors were amazing

That evening we went to our favorite local farm and made some fresh apple cider
Mason was devouring the apples and a donut
We saw this crazy cloud formation
Nixon helped me press some cider
Then we went home and bottled some of the cider (and froze the rest)

I think Mason was exhausted from the day. This is how he looked when I checked on him before bed
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall colors (or snow if that is your thing ;)
Take care