Nixon has been enjoying preschool
Google made this video of Nixon for us
I love this picture because his face is just barely in focus
Mason thought it was funny to spin me around
Don't these two look cute together?
And Lyza is one of a kind!
Mason learned he shouldn't be climbing up on the kitchen counters when he fell and bit through his lip
Henry is ridiculously good looking!
Get ready for a peacock this Halloween! Lyza had a conversation with Nixon explaining peacocks and peahens like this: "Okay, I'm the peacock and you're the peahen. I'm going to show my feathers off to you and when you see my feathers, you will always want to mate with me." 😅
Nixon worked so hard to earn enough money to unlock all of the songs for Just Dance
This may have been the last time using the water table this year. Might as well do it with no shirt.
Lyza's teacher has a 3-d printer in his class. The kids can earn being able to use it by good behavior. Lyza was the first one to get to use it. She made this bear.
While Kim is nursing Henry, Mason likes to read
When Grandma and Grandpa Bullock got here they were greeted by two very excited bellhops
Henry meeting his Grandpa Bullock
Mason reading with his Grandpa
The men did some work outside
The women and children made delicious apple sauce
Henry turned 1 month!
Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Keyes and Simon and Rachel
Grandma getting some time with her newest grandson
We went to the farmers market on Saturday. The kids got to pick out pumpkins
And paint them
Nixon decided Simon is the coolest person ever!
Yummy cookies
We all stuffed a scare crow
And I got to dance with him
The big kids got to hold bunnies
Grandma Keyes loving some baby snuggles
Look at these two love birds
Hanging out at the park
Speaking of love birds
Lake CDA
This fish tank at the Resort always keeps our kids entertained
Mason got to tag along on our desert date
Henry super alert
The never ending night time story with Simon
Grandma Bullock getting some quality time with Henry
This is Henry's blessing outfit
The whole group before church
Here is the star of the show. He looks so handsome!
We got a couple more pictures after church
The kids got to jump on the tramp with Simon
Yummy desert
Settler of Catan with Simon and Rachel. We were spoiled.
Did I mention how much Nixon loved Simon?
Lyza showed off some of her peacock moves
That is one proud grandpa!
The next day Kim had three extra 4-year-olds in the house for preschool (she survived, although barely ;)
"D is for dinosaur"
We had a few fussy days with Henry (probably a growth spurt) and this carrier saved the day and let Kim keep up with everything else going on
There were also a few moments when these two were able to entertain themselves
Nixon wasn't having as much fun being spun as Lyza was having spinning him
Turns out Mason loves going high in the swing
This boy is sure fun to cuddle with
More preschool fun
How Mason looks after eating a donut
Handsome Henry
His siblings can't get enough of him
We think Lyza must have been practicing cheer leading in her sleep. "Give me an L"
Look at how happy this boy is to be holding his brother
Watching conference
In between sessions Nixon helped me rake up all of the pine needles. He was such an awesome helper
Mason loves having his picture taken with his creations
Cuddling during conference
Nothing makes conference better than popcorn
Henry is just barely starting to smile when he is awake. We kind of caught it on camera, but not quite.
Forts also make conference more enjoyable
Thanks to those that were able to be with us on Henry's special day.
Take care
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