Sunday, November 18, 2018

Catching up with autumn fun and our first snowfall

We have some catching up to do:
A couple of Sundays ago we went on a family walk down to the river. It was a beautiful afternoon and I got this picture of my beautiful wife
 The sun was setting and it looked amazing

 Sometimes I like spending time with this bunch
 Handsome Henry looking serious during a bath
 Mason "holding" Henry. Just a couple of seconds later he tried to push him off his lap
 Lyza thinks its cold and insisted on wearing this hat. She certainly is not afraid of colors or patterns
Henry is super cute when he wakes up
These dancing outfits are pretty awesome
Henry has fun playing with his Mama before bed
 This preschool day had a Dr. Seuss theme
 We made a Thanksgiving turkey for family home evening. Nixon was thinking hard about something he was thankful for
 Another one of Mason's creations
 Nixon holding Henry
 Helping Mama
 I think they were making caterpillars
 Hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles!

 First snowfall of the year! Luckily it only stayed around for a couple of days
 We made a snowman together

 The kids think they get hot chocolate every time they are outside in the cold now
 Building pyramids
 Nixon working hard
 Henry had his two month check-up and shots
He was happy before the shots ;)
 I took the kids for a short walk to see some ducks that have been in our neighborhood

 Kim found some vampire teeth on clearance

 Nixon was making Mason laugh in the bath by dunking his face in the water (the water is supposed to be red, it is some color tablet thing to make bath time more fun)
 Mason fell off of a kitchen chair that evening while in time-out and got a really fat lip. It looked so sore when I checked on him before bed
 Here he is looking handsome the next morning before church 
 I left that afternoon for Seattle for a work conference. Mason wanted to come with me on the airplane

Meanwhile the kids were taking over the house
 My hotel was right across the street from the Cheesecake Factory 
 I woke up to pictures of these silly kids 

 I spent two days in this convention center
 And I skipped a little bit to see some of Seattle (don't tell)
We caught Henry's cute eyebrow raise on camera (just after the 10 second mark)
 Another picture to add to the pictures of Mason passed out in the middle of the day
 Here is his nursing his little dalmatian from his belly button
Lyza and Nixon entertained themselves with plastic grocery bags

The kids have been obsessed with the Hand Clap song and ask to listen to it all the time
One day Nixon thought his robot costume would be perfect for this song. He was wrong...
 The morning after I got home I gave the kids some of the little treasures I got from exhibitors at the conference
These were pretty cool
 Kim helped the boys make lion manes

They were pretty scary

 Nixon has come up with some pretty sweet costumes
Henry is laughing now and it is so cute
 Another time Mason passed out in the middle of the day
This is what it took for Kim to get him to wake up
 Lyza builds some pretty epic scenes for her toys in her room
 Nixon has been insisting on wearing shorts even though it is too cold to wear shorts
 We watched Incredibles 2 on Friday as a family and these two got dressed up for it
 Henry has the cutest smiles
 Mason found Kim's pajama pants yesterday
The kids love to play with Henry and it can be so cute
Nixon had class pictures done in preschool this week. Isn't he handsome!
He also knows how to have fun
All caught up! Just in time for Black Friday Thanksgiving...
Take care

1 comment:

  1. It has been so fun to get caught up on your blog posts. Oh Dan that cheesecake looked so very yummy!!! Cute kids, sleepy Mason, smiley Henry, handsome Nixon and dancing Lyza.
