What seven year old wants to do school work during her spring break?
If you answered a Lyza, you are correct. Lyza made this bucket list (right) of things she wanted to do for spring break. Kim made the daily chart (left) and they got everything done that week. It was busy and fun!
Seeing Henry suck his thumb is adorable, as long as he doesn't make a habit out of it ;)
Mason was convinced he could wear this shirt like a pair of pants. He was wrong...
While Mason tried potty training he had a lot of activities on the hard floor to keep him occupied. There were lots of puzzles.
We always get the best laughs from Henry in the evening
Ice cream (check for bucket list item)
Mason is obsessed with dressing himself up in winter clothes so he can go outside
The kids have rekindled their relationship with the sand box
And the trampoline of course
Happy duo
Kim didn't realize Nixon shoe choice until after they got home from running errands. I can't imagine why she would be so distracted ;)
We discovered a new indoor play place at one of the mega-churches in Post Falls. It is open to the public, and we are the public
What a cute little bunny
Mason has also been obsessed with his Spider Man costume and is always asking for help with his mask, which is super cute when he asks for help with his "eye balls"
Our little baby boy turned 7 months old! It is hard to come to terms with that. To help that sink in, here is a cuteness overload
This picture shows how swollen hit top gums are. The bottom are even worse. We should have a tooth any day now
Mason is excited to show off this creation
I LOVE that Lyza can read to her younger brothers
Mason apparently doesn't exactly appreciate the difference between a boy and a girl
It has been a while since they have played at the park with good weather
Look at that tongue
Lyza had a date night with mom, which consisted of them watching a movie together in our room
Eating ice cream and sleeping in the same bed. They had lots of fun together
Nixon and I made waffles the next morning
Lyza got her hair a did
And she got to go shopping with mama, including getting a treat
That afternoon we practiced some soccer skills
Henry sat in the swing for the first time and of course I missed his very first reaction (fear)
We played "catch" with Mason
When my wife asks me out of the blue if I would like her to make an apple pie the answer is simple...
Sunday afternoon we played games together and Henry was so good to happily watch us
We played Apples to Apples, which was a little over the kids' heads
But we still managed to have fun!
Kim took the kids out to a new park and Henry was so happy to be outside sitting in the stroller
These two boys are so cute when they aren't fighting with each other
Nixon did this over and over
Ready, go!
Thanks for dressing me up Kim
Lyza had class pictures this last week so Kim took advantage of that opportunity to get her all dressed up and took some nice pictures before school
And then Lyza asked to take some silly pictures
This boy is officially a sitter now and he is so happy to sit and play
His big brother is also really amazing at playing with him
When the kids were at the other park they saw someone flying a kite and really wanted to do the same. So Kim took them to a different park another day and they had perfect kite-flying-weather
Mason even got to fly the kite
Nixon is really good at making Henry laugh
Lyza and Nixon both had their first soccer games yesterday. Lyza's was first. She is playing with 7 and 8 year-olds and she is the only one who hasn't played soccer on a team before. She did well though and had lots of fun. My favorite part was seeing the smile on her face as she ran around and tried to get the ball.
This is what she looked like during the game. She did a good job of staying near the ball and had lots of fun
Nixon had two games after (his games were much shorter)
Here is the team huddling before the game
Are they holding hands? Way to go Nixon ;)
Nixon also had lots of fun and did well
Is that a male model or a soccer player?
The weather was getting cold and windy for Nixon's games and it even rained during his last game
Was this his favorite part of the games?
During one of his breaks I helped him figure out that he could lift his shirt up and put his hands in his pockets to warm them up. Then the coach put him back on the field and he played an entire possession with his hands in his pockets (and surprisingly had the ball for most of that possession). The coach was impressed
Team cheer after the first game
Smiling on the side lines
Here are the highlights of Nixon's games, including his first goal right at the beginning of the first game!
They both had an awesome time at their first games. Kim and I were both a little worried so it is nice to have them do well and enjoy themselves.
Good job guys!
Take care
You are right that was overkill cuteness with Henry. I was beginning to think there weren't many pictures of Nixon, but then they came. So glad they are enjoying their soccer. By the way Lyza is growing up way to fast.