Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lots of Henry Laughing

Lyza looked so good for church last week I had to get a photo of her. You can also see her pretty necklace
 Kim got a haircut last weekend so I also got a picture of her (beautiful)
 This is our leaning snow man. He has been leaning all week through snow and melting and is still standing strong
I guess it is hard to get after Henry when he is so cute?
 The kids have even tried to tip the snow man over without success

 Mason hard at work
 Lyza got to do some extra skating with her mom after her lesson this week
 Henry had so much fun this evening emptying his drawers into the laundry basket
 Henry was on a roll this evening. Laundry, basketball, and dancing
Henry loves eating cereal for breakfast like a big boy
 Pre-bed cuddles withi his mama
 This is not going to end well...
 Good thing there was a window inbetween
 Henry thought it was so funny when Nixon and Masosn threw the snow at the window
I think Mason was ready to go back inside
 The circus was in town (watching 4 kids while their parents went to the temple)
Henry has really enjoyed this toy
 Kim went rock climbing on Friday night and she was awesome!

 Nixon also rocked it!

 Lyza had team pictures yesterday (before she has had a game)
After basketball I took the three oldest kids sledding. The hill was way too fast (or too short for the speed). It was kind of dangerous. No one died. Some were injured.
Take care

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