Sunday, March 20, 2022

Springing into Spring

Two weekends ago we decided to enjoy the warming weather and went on a hike

It was SUPER muddy but we still had fun together

The kids even found a bunch of bones off the trail

Mason and Nixon really enjoyed climbing the fallen trees

Look at that root ball

Hey Mason

Look at that fruit and sausage waffle :)

Henry has figured out how to get in the fridge

Nixon got to skip school and go skiing with a friend at a new hill

There was lots of snow and he had a great time

I think Kim also had fun

Henry was been enjoying making little forts

And playing doctor with his friend

We love seeing Lyza developing her talents

Kim and I made the leprechaun trap this year but we still didn't catch one

The kids all got clovers from the leprechauns

Kim whipped up a delicious green breakfast for us

Henry got to do some fun activities with Kim that day

That evening Kim and I got to go to the temple before it closes for 4 months for a remodel

Kim saw an add on Facebook for an Easter egg hunt at a local church and then did a double take when the picture was our kids from last year

Another fort

I think Nixon was proud that he was making crescent rolls out of the tube?

Since Kim and I went to the temple Thursday night we did our St. Patty's meal Friday night and it was delicious!

Yesterday I did some yard work with the kids and we set up the trampoline

A new car wash opened up near us this week so Kim took Henry to get a complimentary car wash. He calls it a "car shower" and is so cute about it

Take care

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you guys have some nice spring weather to enjoy!
