Sunday, February 2, 2025

Finally Time for Basketball

The boys have been so excited to start playing basketball and they have finally gotten their wish. Here is Mason playing some locked in defense at practice

Henry playing a game while waiting for a brother's basketball practice to end

Nixon handling the ball during practice

Henry and I had fun playing mouse trap together one day

Kim got together with friends for a birthday party

Henry helped Kim make some chocolate chip cookies

Kim and I decided that we want to go on a cruise so we invited some friends and we had a meeting where some of them made some proposals on which cruise line, destinations, etc. February 2026 should be fun!

Go Fish for the win

Nixon and Mason got to go to the archery range for their primary activity

They both did very well


I took Lyza out for dinner this last weekend to celebrate her amazing grades

The boys had basketball photos yesterday

Henry and I had our second game and we won! You can see Henry here watching the shot and hoping he doesn't get hit with the ball ;)

Here he is playing some intense defense

I won't mention all the sickness we have been fighting over the last couple of weeks. Instead, I choose to focus on the positive.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. The archery and basketball happenings look like a good time. Yay Lyza!
