Sunday, September 28, 2014

Does anyone look at the title of these posts? If you do leave a comment telling me what your favorite kind of cookie is

Mr. Nixon is all over the place. He holds himself up in various yoga poses all of the time
He loves exploring and trying to touch/grad the light shinning through the windows

 Nixon turned 7 months this last week!
 Lyza had lots of fun on one of the days that it rained 
Nixon has been both loving and hating trying new foods. This picture is of the hating

 During nap time Kim needs to check on Lyza to see if she is actually sleeping, whether she is wearing clothes, etc. This day she was scanning the room with the camera and couldn't find her anywhere
 She laid down behind the curtain and fell asleep on the floor. What a goof!
 "Can I have a horsey ride on your shoulders?"
 Elmo came to visit one evening and Nixon was super excited. Elmo and Lyza are really good friends and always have a good time together
 Ms. Lyza LOVES reading books

 She loves books so much that yesterday during a shopping trip at Ross (the American "Winners") she found the book section and sat down on the floor reading new books until it was time to go
 We did some plant shopping yesterday to find a plant for my office. We found a nice little palm that has some growing up to do, just like I have to do in my career
 Future attorney?
 This was Kim's drive home last night coming home from women's conference. What a beautiful world!
 Here is a video of Lyza trying her best to be a good big sister
That's all for now. We have a trip to Bosie this week that we are excited for. I will be sworn in and become a real lawyer! I have been looking forward to this for a long time. 
Take care

Sunday, September 21, 2014

No more pencils, no more books...

There hasn't been a whole lot happening around here this last week
We have been trying to smile as much as possible
 The weather has been nice and we have been trying to get outside before it starts getting cold. Too bad it is getting dark so early
 He loves being in the swing
 Kim and the Kids had another beach day this week

 Lyza's sand art

 Kim and the kids went and picked some pears at the house of  one of our ward members

 This little girl is turning into quite the artist. She loves to paint, color, and draw

 Cute cargo
 When he shops he shops in comfort and style

 Nixon tried pears for the first time this week. We love his reaction
That's it for now. Take care

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Done Studying Forever! (kind of)

Lyza loves her new princess cape. It totally matches her Little Mermaid sunglasses
Nixon's first swing ride

Playing in the crib together

Fun painting outside
This masterpiece is currently hanging up in our hallway, next stop the Guggenheim 
We got this picture of Christ up in Nixon's room
Lyza got to have a glow in the dark bath
Here she is making cakes out of play dough. She had Kim blow out the candles but then wouldn't let her eat any of the cake, she did that herself
On September 11 I got the results of my bar exam and I passed! The pass rate was only 65%, which is the lowest in 12 years in Idaho for the July exam. It feels great to know that I am done.
Kim surprised me at work with these delicious cup cakes
The office took me out for lunch then let me go home early to spend some time with my wonderful family. We had a good afternoon at the park together.

Kim got a babysitter and the two of us went out for dinner to celebrate. We went to the Grille from Ipanema and the food was amazing as usual

This little guy loves crawling around and exploring, and looks especially cute in these sleepers. The Bum has a flap that says "Buck Naked" and there is a picture of a deer.

Here is a video of Lyza reading one of her favorite books
We had a great week and are looking forward to another one.
That's all for now. Take care.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Catching up

Vacation was lots of fun! Here is what has happened since we have been back home...
Here is a picture of Nixon sitting for the first time (this is really old news since he is now crawling all over. He has got an army crawl similar to what Lyza's was like)
 Photo credits go to Kim on this one (and to most of the pictures)
 Nixon got some money for a baby gift from my aunt Cecelia. The money was for some books, so Kim took the kids to a local book store. Lyza was so content with all of the books. She sat on this stool the whole time looking at different books
 Here is Nixon with his new books. Thanks auntie Cecelia!
 Lyza got this new toy from one of my co-workers and loves it
 Whipped cream, yummy
August is always a fun month and my favorite part of the month is Kim's birthday. 
Although her day started off with a challenge from her favorite brother to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
After the freezing cold ice bucket shower we had lots of fun
We went out for a yummy dinner 

 I took the kids to the park so Kim could have some time to do some shopping by herself. She told me after that she wanted to stop everyone she saw and explain to them that she was shopping by herself and didn't have to drag around her two kids with her ;)
 This little guy is so handsome

 Nixon and his sister are a pretty good looking pair
 Thanks auntie Rachel and uncle Simon for the awesome shirt
 Lyza got to help her mamma open a present
 And we had some yummy ice cream cake
We had stake conference a couple weeks ago which meant that church didn't start until 10 am. That meant that I got to listen to Kim play piano. Lyza kept telling Kim "That's a good song mama. You are doing a good job!" What a nice treat
 These kids are happiest when they are outside 
 Nixon turned SIX months! 
 I got to spend a nice Sunday afternoon at the park with Lyza. She is adorable!

 Pretty sky
 We have been crazy about peaches. We have (meaning Kim) bottled and processed about 70 pounds of peaches
 Sitting is so fun
 Lyza got to go to a birthday party at the beach. They even had a pinata!
Kim has been feeling crafty so we took this old piece of wood that was used as a shelf at our last place and made it into a height board

There are moments when these two actually play together
 Bath time has gotten more interesting since Nixon has been sitting. It creates the illusion that he is more independent in the tub, until his face is suddenly diving down into the water and he is gasping for air. Also, he has been teething like a mad man and we have found that this amber necklace has been helping with his teething pain
 He found a friend
 Lyza likes watching ducks

 Like I said, these kids are happy when they are outside
 Kim's craftiness struck again when she made princess Lyza an Elsa-inspired princess cape, with a matching cape for Lyza's doll  
 We also discovered grilled peaches for desert and we are hooked!
 Nixon has cut his first tooth and his second is close behind. We tried to get a picture of it but it didn't really turn out
 Lyza wore Nixon's sun hat for a whole day (she is also in a little bit of a phase where she doesn't want to wear her shirt)
 Yesterday we participated in a stake service day where we did some landscaping and grounds keeping for a local seniors' center. I got to dust off my long forgotten landscaping skills

And we also got to eat some donuts. Win-Win
 After the service project we went to the beach for what may unfortunately have been our last beach day of the year (although we are hoping there will still be more!) 
 What a rock star!

 Look at these cuties

 The water was a little too cold for him but he still had fun

 Kim and Lyza riding the "goats" (Lyza kept saying that she "was fast like a goat")
Here are some videos
This boy has the cutest laugh
Lyza's musical skills are blossoming
More of his cute laugh
That's all for now. Take Care!