Sunday, September 28, 2014

Does anyone look at the title of these posts? If you do leave a comment telling me what your favorite kind of cookie is

Mr. Nixon is all over the place. He holds himself up in various yoga poses all of the time
He loves exploring and trying to touch/grad the light shinning through the windows

 Nixon turned 7 months this last week!
 Lyza had lots of fun on one of the days that it rained 
Nixon has been both loving and hating trying new foods. This picture is of the hating

 During nap time Kim needs to check on Lyza to see if she is actually sleeping, whether she is wearing clothes, etc. This day she was scanning the room with the camera and couldn't find her anywhere
 She laid down behind the curtain and fell asleep on the floor. What a goof!
 "Can I have a horsey ride on your shoulders?"
 Elmo came to visit one evening and Nixon was super excited. Elmo and Lyza are really good friends and always have a good time together
 Ms. Lyza LOVES reading books

 She loves books so much that yesterday during a shopping trip at Ross (the American "Winners") she found the book section and sat down on the floor reading new books until it was time to go
 We did some plant shopping yesterday to find a plant for my office. We found a nice little palm that has some growing up to do, just like I have to do in my career
 Future attorney?
 This was Kim's drive home last night coming home from women's conference. What a beautiful world!
 Here is a video of Lyza trying her best to be a good big sister
That's all for now. We have a trip to Bosie this week that we are excited for. I will be sworn in and become a real lawyer! I have been looking forward to this for a long time. 
Take care

1 comment:

  1. My favourite cookie would be oatmeal raisin or oatmeal chocolate chip.
    I hate coming up with blog titles, too.
    Enjoyed the post! Lyza & Nixon sure are cute.
