The week before we moved Nixon got comfortable going down the stairs on his own...just in time to move to a single story house
He has a great sense of humor
The kids were very helpful with packing
Nixon has been enjoying feeding himself lately. He gets really messy at meal time
He is lucky to have a big sister who will give him baths and get him clean
Here he is posing for the camera on Lyza's bed
We got the truck all loaded and unloaded within a couple of hours
We got a good deal on a sectional for our new family room. It fits perfectly
There is an elephant living in our house
Nixon's favorite place in the house is sitting or standing on the fireplace hearth
There is no shortage of work to be done in the backyard
The nearby park is great
One of them is not excited to be shopping
It is really nice to have a fenced yard to let the kids play in
Watering with her squirt gun
During a hail storm you might as well go out and catch the hail
What a cute pair
Sharing snacks with her rooster
We had lots of fun when grandma and grandpa Bullock came to visit
Us boys converted this archway to a door for Nixon's room
Grandma and grandpa also brought some Easter treats
There was lots of playing
The Easter bunny came
Lyza's reaction is so cute (you may have to crank the volume on this one)
He loves this new toy
We built a base for our shed

We also watched some General Conference together
Matching shirts
Conference snuggles
Grandma and Lyza made a little paper pulpit and puppets of the First Presidency
Nixon got a little riled up before bedtime with all of the excitement
Lyza combing grandpa's moustache
Sunday was beautiful and we went for a nice long walk between sessions
There was also an Easter egg hunt at the park that the kids got invited to join
Picnic at the park
Rolling Easter eggs down the hill
These two got along really well
We also did a little Easter egg hunt in our yard
Throwing the frisbee
This is her building/construction training with grandpa
The ladies made roman blinds for the family room. Great final product
We had a very busy weekend and were able to get several projects done
We got shelving built in the garage so someday we will be able to get it organized and park a car or two inside
These vertical dividers for baking pans will be really nice
The kids had lots of fun with their grandparents
Cute girl!
Nixon loves to kiss and his poor sister doesn't always want to be kissed (mostly because Nixon's kisses are super slobbery
That's all for now
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