We had a great Christmas and hope that you did too.
Nixon has enjoyed playing with this little block nativity set that Kim made
We had a white Christmas. This has been the biggest snowfall that we have seen in our 4 years in Idaho. Spokane has already had more snow this year than all of last year and Coeur d'Alene got over a foot of snow the week before Christmas. And this isn't soft fluffy snow, this is thick wet snow that is really difficult to move around.
The kids have been good helpers with snow removal ;)
Here is a cute video of how Nixon says orange
Here is Nixon thinking he can sit on one of the chairs from Lyza's doll house
All of the snow has made for some really pretty scenery. It feels like we are staying at a mountain/ski resort
This is the view from our driveway
View of our house from the street
Kim's parents got here on the 23rd and the kids immediately knew what to do with them
We also put grandpa to work hanging cabinets in the garage (also fitting our dryer for natural gas)
We even made him shovel the snow
The kids also loved playing outside with their grandpa
The snow was so deep that Nixon couldn't walk in it alone
The kids loved sled rides with grandpa
After every trip Nixon would laugh and say "more, more, more"
The first day playing outside grandpa made the kids a little snow cave
Nixon's hair looked pretty fantastic after
Nixon also liked playing this game with grandma
Christmas eve we did an amazing fondue dinner
When we woke up Christmas morning we could tell that Santa had come
Getting the turkey ready on Christmas morning
The kids enjoyed opening up their boots
We got a family picture before we opened presents
These were my favorite gifts of the day
That's right, the Keyes family is expanding next year. We are really excited!
My favorite part of Christmas morning was seeing the reactions on people's faces when they opened up gifts
This is how Nixon reacted to everything that he opened
Kim made Lyza some necklaces and she was really excited when she opened them
Nixon loves puppies
This pirate ship that Lyza got was a crowd favorite
I think Kim likes her jewelry cabinet
This is a fun present from his grandma and grandpa Keyes
She loves this book from Grandma and grandpa Keyes. I wonder how they knew that Lyza likes dinosaurs?
The kids had no idea what this gift was
A tipi/tepee/teepee!
Christmas afternoon we played some more in the backyard and made a second snow cave
This one had much more square footage
Lyza had fun doing the puzzle from her great-grandma with her grandma
Nixon chilling in his mega blocks box
Christmas dinner was an absolute feast. So good!
On the 26th Kim and I planned on going to a movie for a date. I guess lots of other people had that same idea so all of the movies were sold out. Instead we went for a walk around our neighborhood. It was nice to get some fresh air and time without any kids screaming at us 

The kids liked to turn off the lights and take a flash light into the tipi
Here is grandpa reading Lyza's new dinosaur book to her
All of this snow and just above freezing temperatures has made for some really pretty icicles around our house
On Sunday the kids looked adorable all ready for church
We got some family pictures taken
The kids also got pictures with their grandparents
And Kim and I got a picture together (this happens about twice a year)
We had an amazing Christmas and we hope you did too!