Last week we took a walk together as a family and the fresh air was amazing. This little guy insisted that he only walk on the snow, not matter how high or uneven it was.
We have seen a very welcome change in Lyza since she turned 4. She has always been a good girl, but she seemed to mature over night when she turned 4. Of course she is still a 4 year old, but she is much more helpful and reasonable lately. It is especially fun to watch her try and help her little and much less reasonable brother
She gets excited to help her mom with different projects and activities and is really good at helping make jam
This little guy loves getting all his winter gear on and whining to go outside. That usually means he has wicked hat hair from putting his toque on and off all day
Kim had an ultrasound appointment on Thursday and we found out baby #3's gender. Kim found out at the appointment and surprised us with gender reveal eclairs later in the day. Pink filling means a girl and blue (or slightly green) filling means a boy
I don't think Nixon understands what is going on and about to happen, but he sure liked the eclair
We didn't get great pictures from the ultrasound, but here is my favorite of our squished little boy
I said before that Nixon loves getting his winter clothes on and I meant it. Looking at this picture you would think it is 20 below in our house. Silly little boy.
This train set sure has its moments
Kim made some bubbles for the kids to play in one day. Lots of fun...
...until Lyza got some in her eye. Sad
I had my birthday yesterday. I got a yummy breakfast and then told the kids that I would take them outside to play while I did a fence repair, cleaned the yard up, took down the Christmas lights, and replaced the headlight bulbs for my car. Kim suggested that I open my gift first
I got a new tool set that came in handy for that repair and yard clean up (the drill for the fence repair and a reciprocating saw for the yard clean up). Thanks!
Kim and I got the kids a babysitter and went to a movie together in the afternoon. We saw The Finest Hours and loved it
Kim and I need to go to more movies. We watch lots of movies at home, but there is something different about watching a movie in a single sitting during the day versus watching it in 3-4 nights because we are too tired to watch more than 20-30 minutes at a time.
We came home and shortly after this little guy woke up from his nap. So cute!
I requested pizza for dinner and this fine group was up to the challenge
They are a well oiled pizza making machine and made the most amazing Hawaiian pizza ever
Later we had Skor trifle (death by chocolate)
Kim had a hard time getting the candles lit because Nixon kept blowing them out
Lyza also made me this adorable birthday card. She was really concerned that I wasn't having a dinosaur birthday like she did.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a great day
Take care
Looks like a lot of fun! Another boy! How exciting! Congratulations!