The big excitement around here this week was our little guy's birthday.
He woke up to birthday pancakes
Nixon really wanted to blow out the candles and didn't understand why he had to wait until the end of the song
Some stories with sister
Not everyone gets roses for their birthday...just one of the perks of having your birthday just after your parents' anniversary!
He was pretty happy that his cupcakes had Oreos on them
I came home from work a little bit early and we all played outside until dinner
Lyza monkeying around
Nixon loves using the swing on his tummy
We had a really yummy dinner. Kim made corn dogs and we had jello and other snacky foods. I normally don't provide a menu of our meals, but it is good background information when you see the pictures of Nixon later with really red cheeks caused by the jello at dinner time
Nixon had a "fun" time opening presents, at least the first one...
He got a car ramp that makes noise when you lift the platform at the top to make the cars run down.
He loved this gift so much that he didn't want to open any of the others
We finally got him to work on some other gifts and this train from his grandma and grandpa Bullock filled the void in his life
Both the kids really liked playing with it
Nixon also got some new quiet book pages
This set of large jungle animals was a nice surprise
He instantly fell in love with the giraffe
This is a gift that both he and Lyza will enjoy
Nixon was really excited for his cupcakes...or at least the candle. He loves to try and blow out candles. His cheeks are extra red from the jello at dinner time :)
I love when the song is all over and he is doing a happy dance
Lyza was a little more holistic in her approach to her cup cake but still didn't finish it. I think our kids are special?
Later on Lyza went into her room to play independently (which doesn't happen as often as we would like) and after a while we could hear some whining coming from her room. I went to investigate and discovered that she had both of her thumbs stuck in this toy, like a Chinese finger trap. The knuckles of her thumbs were really swollen and sore from trying to pull them out. We think that she had probably been stuck for a few minutes and trying to pull them out the whole time. Silly girl!
Nixon did some cute dancing for us too
We had a lot of fun on Nixon's birthday. He was extremely happy all day and you could just see how proud he was and happy that there was a whole day all about him. We love our little boy!
There is something so magical about these kids playing at the park
I have no idea where these glasses came from, but if anyone can pull them off it is Lyza
Our little birthday boy also got a haircut this week. So handsome! It also looks like he gained 10 pounds during the course of his haircut, but that must be some sort of camera angle trick. There is no way he ate 10 pounds of hair.

Friday I came home from work a little early to rake up our front lawn. Kim and the kids came out and we made it a family activity and the kids also rode their bikes on the sidewalk
On Saturday I got to spend some time outside in the afternoon working on a couple overgrown shrub areas next to our patio. Ir rained all morning so there were lots of earth worms and bugs near the surface of the dirt so Lyza came out and helped me find the worms and bugs some new homes.
Nixon made sure the puddles got some splashing
These two got a swing ride from their mamma while I cleaned up my mess
All done, someday I will redo the patio...but not for a while ;)
We hope you have a great week. Take care
Glad that Nixon had such a fun birthday!