There is a family in the ward that found a stuffed dinosaur in their house and they don't know where it cam from. They asked around and tried to figure out how it got there, but never figured it out. They know how much Lyza loves dinosaurs so they gave it to her. Her reaction was so cute
We had a really fun family home evening activity last Monday. Kim taught a lesson about good fruits and the kids helped put apples on either the good tree or the bad tree based upon the descriptions on the apples
Kim also made cookies, with a small batch that had LOTS of salt in it to help teach that sometimes things look good but really aren't. The funny part is that the kids liked the salty cookies and didn't even notice how bad they were.
Kim let the kids dress themselves this day and they looked pretty spiffy
What a cute little boy
Too may kids on one swing
I left my exercise shoes out one morning and Nixon decided he would wear them all around the house
Here is Lyza crafting with her BFF
35 weeks!
I took each of the kids out for bike rides yesterday and had lots of fun.
We didn't get any pictures, but Lyza looked pretty big on the back of the bike. It was a real workout going up hills with her.
After that intense workout I decided that I had earned a treat
Nixon didn't want to take his helmet off
I did some work on the retaining wall next to our patio while the kids supervised and collected all the bugs I found
The kids have been enjoying the sandbox
While I was working outside yesterday Lyza kept asking for someone to swing her. I kept telling her that I would once I finished my project and like a typical 4 year old she would wait 30 seconds and then ask again. Nixon took matters into his own hands and swung her himself. He is pretty impressive.
What a goofy girl
I didn't have any meetings before church this morning so I got to go to church with the family. We even had time to take some pictures before church. We love our handsome little boy
It's Memorial Day tomorrow and I have the day off of work. This is typically the weekend that most people take their first camping trip. We are not brave enough to take our kids camping (and it wouldn't be very comfortable for Kim) so I set up the tent in the back yard and the kids and I are going to camp in the yard tonight. Hopefully we sleep well.
Lyza is amazed
That's all for now. Take care.
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