Sunday, June 12, 2016

Long Weekend and a Heat Wave

Last time we left off I was setting up the tent to sleep in the backyard with the kids. Here we are thinking we are going to have a relaxing and restful night.
 Kids all tucked into bed

We only lasted until 2 am when we abandoned the tent for warmer sleeping arrangements inside. It was still a fun experience

We really love Lyza and she can be really pleasant and fun to be around. She can also be RIDICULOUSLY unreasonable. This is the fit she threw on a Sunday afternoon when we wanted to go on a walk and she didn't. We told her she could stay home by herself while we went for a walk. We got two houses away and she ran out of the house and threw herself on the grass and started freaking out. It was pretty funny

 She likes housing her dinosaurs in her Barbie house
 On Memorial Day Kim and Lyza painted the pallet shoe rack I made 
 Very happy with the finished product

I love this picture
 Fun crafting
 Nixon still points to this craft at almost every meal time and tells us that he made it
 He has been doing pretty well on his bike
 She likes her scooter more than riding a bike
 Future musical duo?
 It is beach season!
 And our strawberries are doing very well
 I am glad to see the sandbox getting some use
 Family beach day
 Poor little horsie
 He has been sitting in the baby car seat and calling himself a baby
 Which is fine until he demands that I swing him around
 Bump! This baby should be here soon
 Last week we got several days in the mid 30s so we had to get the pool out

 Popsicle in the pool? Spoiled!

 We have been encouraging Lyza to wash her hands every time after going potty. We told her when she got her sticker chart all full she could go for ice cream. She is pretty excited
 Chocolate is her favorite
 We shared with Nixon too
 Ice cream mustache
 When will this baby come?
 Post-haircut (and really itchy)
 Kim found these dinosaur wall stickers at the dollar store for Lyza
 Kim and Lyza went on a shopping date together yesterday at Costco. Luck girl got ice cream
Maybe the next post will be about our new little boy? Take care

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the post! You're in our thoughts and prayers for all to go well with the new baby being born. Love you guys!
