It was cold out when the kids were jumping on the trampoline so they were excited when Kim let them wear slippers on the trampoline
For the first day of spring Dairy Queen had free ice cream!
This little guy can pull himself up to the couch from sitting
Washing their toys together after playing with slime
She wanted to carry three different cereal containers at one, but had to settle with two
We won an Xbox One S! Pretty sweet cereal prize. Thanks Kim for buying me my favorite cereal (Special K Fruit and Yogurt)
The kids were pretty happy to get the bubble wrap from the Xbox
Spider Man at home in a web
How can he see to steer?
There has been a lot of flooding here so we went to the dam/falls to see how much water was running through. The kids love to climb on the rocks there
The falls were really impressive
These are the same falls July of last year
Here it is in April of last year
Here is a video
Mason loved the fresh air!
He also knows how to eat from a pouch on his own...moving on up in the world
Cute boy
Here he is having fun with mamma
He likes playing with these door stops
Unlce Peter and Aunt Jane came to visit us this weekend
Reading a new book with Jane
Checking out the big fish at the resport
Obligatory carousel ride
Nixon has really enjoyed having Peter here (someone who can connect with him on a super hero level)
Although at times they had epic battles
Look at those happy newlyweds!
They also look good with a baby!
I think this was Mason's first slide...maybe?
The kids loved playing Hungry Hippos
Reading scriptures with Uncle Peter
Trampoline fun with Peter
Reading with Aunt Jane is lots of fun
We are going to be sad to see these guys leave. Came back any time!