What have we been up to? Glad you asked!
We have been playing with boxes
The kids have also been playing together nicely!
Lyza all ready for kindergarten.
Lyza going to school has been such a positive experience. She loves it and she has been a lot happier at home. Nixon likes having some extra mommy time and he also misses Lyza, so when she is at home they play better together. It has been great.
Nixon liked helping mom make some rolls for Thanksgiving dinner. He got to be in charge of starting and stopping the Bosch.
We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with another family.
The food was AMAZING!
Mason really liked playing with this dog
Nixon borrowed these rescue bots and they haven't left his side all week
Nixon can even make breakfast fun
Mason likes to sing along to Wheels on the Bus and it is super cute when he says "move on back" for the driver. It is really hard to capture, but this gives you an idea
Kim and the kids went to the pumpkin patch at the grocery store
What a little goof
Nixon had fun at the library this week
The kids have been getting more adventurous on the trampoline
Lyza had a friend over this week who is in gymnastics. She taught Lyza and Nixon some moves.
It is so fun to watch them playing together
This is Mason's newest trick
I took the kids for a walk/bike ride yesterday and Lyza asked if she could push the stroller. She was so proud of herself and kept telling me that she needed to focus because this was a new task for her and she needed to do her best.
Enjoy the beautiful fall colors (if you still have them)
Take Care
Fun to see what you guys have been up to! Have a good week!