Last week the big kids and I went on a "date" to Home Depot to make gingerbread houses
They were pretty proud of them
After the paint dried they got to decorate them with stickers
This boy's hair has gotten out of control
Lyza and Nixon looking Christmas-y for church last week
Mason too!
I have been enjoying (parts) going to nursery with Nixon and Mason lately
For family home evening we went for a walk around the board walk to see Christmas lights
Lyza wasn't so sure about this dragon display
Me and the baby
Mason was happy to get out of the stroller and run around
Which gave Nixon some time in the stroller
Mason was mesmerized with these lights outside of the resort
We spent some time at the fish tank
Cute fish!
These kids are so silly sometimes
Kim has been crafty lately
Every day the kids get to open up a Christmas book. They were so excited to open the one where great grandma and grandpa Bullock read the Christmas story to them
Kim finally caved and got Mason's hair cut. We had to bribe him with a sucker so he would hold still
He was a sticky hairy mess by the end so he needed a good bath
Lyza lost her first tooth (naturally) this week, well as natural as your dad pulling it out of your gums and making them bleed can be
Mason looks good with his new hair cut!
We had a herd of moose on our street this week
When you are exhausted you don't care if your legs are sticking out of your crib while you sleep
Nixon has really caught the spirit of Christmas. He LOVES using this little gift box and filling it with drawings for us
This is his newest stage of drawing, which is drawing us when we were kids. We have probably got about 100 of this picture around the house right now
We found Kinder eggs at Walmart, well "Kinder Joys" anyway
The egg splits in half with a toy on one half
And chocolate on the other. Apparently you use that scraper type thing to scrape out the soft white chocolate and then there are those two chocolate balls that are akin to ferrero rocher. Not the same, but the kids were still excited
Is it possible to any more cool?
I guess so...
Phase two of the mud room bench is underway. I got the cubbies almost finished. We just need to decide what we are doing as far as shelves and then trim it all out
Mason had fun playing the piano this week
He might be a little musician when he grows up
This all happened because Kim and I were messing around with the piano figuring out how we could make recordings of her
I am glad we figured it out
We had our ward Christmas party last night. It was amazing! (the primary/Kim was in charge of it)
Nixon knew what to do with Santa. When Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas Nixon said "money." Smart boy!
Mason didn't do so well
This wasn't Lyza's first rodeo so before hand she negotiated an escort as a condition to speaking with Santa. Santa asked her if she wanted dinosaurs for Christmas and Lyza was AMAZED that he knew ;)
Lyza maybe had a few too many candy canes
My wife is so beautiful!
Lyza is looking special as she loses her teeth...
Mason was chomping on a huge piece of ham and he was in heaven
Santa narrated the children's nativity (Lyza was a sheep)
It was a wonderful program
We are loving the Christmas season and hope that you are too
Take care
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