Monday, September 10, 2018

Lots of Yummy Baby Pictures!

Mason doesn't need anyone to cut the sausage for him
Can you tell that Lyza dressed herself?
Grandma with one of her favorite grandsons
I am not sure I can actually caption each and every picture of Henry. There are only so many times that I can say things like "Isn't he the cutest?"
Nixon liked using the leaf blower to clean off the trampoline
Sweet dreams?

Life hasn't been crazy enough so Kim and I decided to buy an oversized recliner that barely fits in our living room
Henry looks so serious here

This picture doesn't actually show how long his feet are

Mason has been obsessed with these

He always has to get us to come take a picture
He could give Derrick Zoolander a run for his money

Mason can often be found at Henry's side

Big stretch

We did a pinata for the kids
After that I sat in the hammock and just relaxed
Mason loves holding Henry
He is so fun to hold
Nixon agrees
Kim and I enjoyed a lunch date (with Henry) while Kim's mom was still here
Meanwhile she was helping the kids make dessert
That afternoon I took the big kids on a hike and Nixon chose the coolest outfit
These two were the best hiking buddies. We had so much fun

We saw people rock climbing (but didn't get any good pictures of it)

We found this little tipi but no one wanted to go in it in case there were critters inside ;)
4 years old
6 years old

Hopefully they don't open the flood gates...

Next time we are going to bring a net and try and catch some little fish

Dessert after family home evening that night was wondeful

Lyza had her first day of first grade on Tuesday

Thanks for the halo Mason

He took it to bed with him that night
The beach days this year are numbered
Photo shoot with our Batmen

What color are your eyes going to be Henry? I think brown
Kim going for a walk with her three big boy babies
Kim and the kids placed some beans in ziploc bags with wet paper towel and after they sprouted transferred them into pots

Burping time

Nice goggles Mason
Henry at the beach
These guys are so proud of the hole they made
Playing dress up with her new shoes
We love Mason's lips
On Saturday a friend came over to give Henry a photo shoot

These guys got to watch some extra TV to keep them out of the way
We can't wait to see the final results...
I took Nixon on a date to Costco to get a new Spider Man costume
He loves the webbing under his arms
Aren't these two beautiful? 

Every time we have a professional shoot pictures of our kids Kim always wants to take our own pictures ;) She needs to get a camera some day...
She is pretty good for just using a cell phone!

Mason driving is a scary sight!
Here is our little attempt to copy a pose Kim found on Instagram. Henry was not cooperating at all and the lighting sucked!

Take care

1 comment:

  1. Henry is precious. Your other kids are pretty cute too.
