Nixon looks so beautiful wearing Lyza's bow ;)
One of my clients sent me this doll. The kids didn't believe me when I told them that I had a doll at work
Spider-Man wearing a Batman cape with vampire teeth
We got our Jack-o-lanterns carved this year
Nixon gutted his pumpkin all by himself
Henry loves "helping" with laundry
Kim found Youtube videos that teach kids how to draw step-by-step. Nixon really enjoyed them
All of the kids (except Henry) started skating lessons this week
Let's just say that then next 15 weeks could be long...although I bet by the end we will have kids that are better at skating than their dad (that is a very realistic goal)

Let's just say that then next 15 weeks could be long...although I bet by the end we will have kids that are better at skating than their dad (that is a very realistic goal)

There was a library activity for Halloween this week
The activity was held at the new carousel in Coeur d'Alene
I think Mason enjoyed it ;)
Mason decided that he could be a robot with these boxes
The kids trick or treated at my office
Henry was ADORABLE!
Round two of pumpkin carving/painting
Kim really knocked the ball out of the park doing Lyza's hair for Halloween
Kim got some super cute pictures of our little chameleon on Halloween
Trick or treating on Halloween went well
Our first house was two doors over and they go ALL OUT with their decorating. Listen for Henry crying when the person jumps out
The kids appreciated the Jack Skellington decorations
Mason was super cute when he was trick or treating. Instead of just saying "trick or treat" he would say "happy trick or treating!"
They were happy with the candy they got
On Saturday morning I did some yard work with my two little helpers
Mason and I had fun together with this magnet board
When I take his picture he often won't be looking at the camera. I ask him to show me his eyes so he will have to look at the camera. This is what I get...
When Lyza is looking at you this way you know you are in trouble
Mason fell in love with his train set again yesterday
He just needs someone to play with him and Kim was a great play date yesterday
When I take Henry to bed I sing part of the Raffi song about brushing teeth:
So here he is brushing my teeth
Henry will not keep his hands out of his diaper when it needs to be changed. It is so bad that whenever possible we have another person helping with his diaper changes to hold his hands. Last night that meant that Kim could get this adorable picture of him
Since everyone was up way too early this morning because of daylight savings I went for a little walk down to the river first thing in the morning
The river looked really neat because it was really still and had nice reflections but it also had mist coming off of it
The mist was cool
If you look closely at this one you can see the line of geese flying close to the water
Take care
Glad you guys had a fun Halloween. The kids looked great in their costumes!