Sunday, March 1, 2020

Nixon's Party, Hoverboarding, Playing Outside, and Skating

Nixon woke up on his birthday to a hallway full of laser streamers and explosive balloons
 He also got a birthday breakfast feast
 He looked so good for church

 Henry got a hold of markers and drew all over the walls 😡 This seems to be a daily occurence.
 Nixon thought we were never going to open presents but the time finally came

 It was a bit of a learning curve to learn how to use the hoverboard

 By the end of the day he was so good. He even started doing things like this
 Lyza also got good at it
These things turned out being much more fun than Nixon's reaction showed
 Henry loves the rocket launcher
Nixon wanted to watch Monsters vs. Aliens as a family 
 Nixon got to choose his cake and chose bananna splits

What a handsome 6 year old
 What a good looking group

 He LOVED it!
 Henry can be such a good helper
 The boys have really liked these
 Now that Henry can get up on chairs he thinks he also has access to the fridge!
 This was Nixon's way of apologizing to his mom...leaving some money taped to her door :)
 We have tulips coming out
 When there are THREE children on the trampoline there is ONE happy mother
 And the fourth child is also playing happily outside!
 Mason's coloring has gotten very intricate
 Nixon got to use his hoverboard outside
 And the kids also got to play hopscotch
 Don't they look so cute together?
 Nixon and Mason had their last skating lessons yesterday
 Nixon is very confident on the ice
 Mason has improved so much. I remember all he would say after his first lesson was how slippery it was and how much he fell
 The two of them eating the ice shavings was kind of gross

While we were at skating the Relief Society president came by the house and brought Lyza a basket full of fun activities because she heard that she had been home sick with whooping cough. Lyza was so happy and did the various activities for the rest of the day
 She even shared her suckers with her brothers
Here are a few videos out of order:
First, Mason struggling with the word "pretzel"
Henry asking for Lyza to change his poopy diaper
A Google Photos collage video of Mason
Take care!

1 comment:

  1. That hoverboard looks likes so much fun! Glad Nixon had a Happy Birthday!
