Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quarantine: Week 7

For chuch last Sunday Lyza gave a wonderful talk
 Nixon shared an article of faith and Mason helped with a scripture
 Monday morning Nixon was up before anyone else practicing piano in the dark
 We got a wagon and everyone wants a turn riding in it
 Henry on a walk
 We love our tulips

 The water table came out this week and the boys were loving it

 Mason had a big construction project in the sand box
 The first strawberry blossom of the season
 Mason looks good in Kim's boots
 Henry is a good example during these difficult time. He finds joy with the most basic things. Like a dust pan, for example. 
Mason can ride his 2 wheeler now!
 The kids got to eat their rock candy
 Kim took the kids for icecream at DQ for a treat

 Mason and I went to the landscape place to pick up some compost for the garden. Mason was such a good helper.
 When we went to bed one night we found Mason sleeping like this on the edge of his bed
 For a work break in the afternoon one day I watched Mason and Nixon jumping on the trampoline together. Although it may look like it, Nixon isn't about to land on Mason's leg

Henry has also had some fun on the trampoline
Kim and some other rebels got together for some socially-distanced socializing on Friday night
 The kids and I stayed home and watched Beethoven and had treats
 Mason was really excited that he got to have Trix for breakfast 
 He kept saying he was having "Tricks I Can Do"
I like seeing Henry's shilouette coloring on the table
 I spent all day yesterday pressure washing. I pressure washed the patio and then tackled this fence
 We had no idea it would take so long. Now we have to re-paint it...
 I still have the beard 
Take care

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a nice week! Hope this week is a good one, too!
