Sunday, August 2, 2020

Poor little boy and attack of the lady bugs!

I love this sidewalk art of Mason's. I also think it is evidence that he is either :1) an alien, or 2) has been visited by aliens.
Monday morning Kim and Mason got up bright and early to go to the hospital to have his tonsils taken out
Doesn't he look like the most adorable little patient?

They gave him some medicine to make him more relaxed before they gave him the stuff to knock him out. He was really funny
The surgery went well but Mason had a REALLY tough time when he woke up. Eventually he calmed down and fell asleep.
There have been LOTS of popsicles this week

Nixon has been taking his hoverboard on the sidewalk
Kim getting some good cuddles
The evening of the day he had his surgery he felt good enough to go on a little bike ride
This is what our evenings have looked like
The next morning we got a visit from a super-duper super hero
You can't have a favorite child...but when he volunteers to shell peas he is putting himself at the front of the race
Since we are supposed to keep Mason isolated for 10 months (or days or something) we blew up the new pool (It has also been over 100F all week)

When Kim and the kids went to the school to pick up lunch one day they were greeted by a dinosaur!

Look at those smiles
The kids also got to play with giant bubbles in the backyard

The bubbles were lots of fun
We let Henry have the hose?
Big water baloons on the trampoline? ✔
And lots of splashing in the pool
 I found myself needing to re-do a short line of fence on the side of the house so we decided to move the line 10' toward the street so we can move the shed and extend the raspberries

We should hopefully have the second coat of paint on tomorrow
Speaking of raspberries, Kim and the kids had a productive moring picking at a local place on Friday morning

Hanging out together
Mason helping make pancakes
2020 is interesting if nothing else. We now have a minor lady bug infestation. They are everywhere!
Everything you see flying in the air are lady bugs

They are even in the swimming pool

Have a great week and take care

1 comment:

  1. Glad that Mason bounced back quickly after getting his tonsils out. xo
