Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year? Here we come 2022...

 Kim has been enjoying Christmas puzzles

We took a trip down to the boardwalk to see the Christmas lights last Sunday night

We stopped in the resort to look at the big fish tank

And the kids ended out playing in some big piles of snow by the parking lot

Mason has been a Lego building machine

He even made a Ferrari

I am not sure I want him to get any older...

This has been an awesome gift

Here is an aerial view of our house from the drone

Nixon and I go to the beach together and I fly the drone and he uses his metal detector. It is a good arrangement.

Lyza got to go to Barnes and Noble to use her birthday gift money

She was happy with what she found

Here are a couple more drone shots

This was a difficult little puzzle

We saw Sing 2 as a family and really enjoyed it

That same afternoon I had a Zoom hearing but really wanted to get a drone flight in...

I made this little world photo above our house

We took the kids to flying squirrel again this week and it was so much fun

Henry was always on the move

These are SOME of the books Lyza read in the month of December

On New Years Eve day Nixon and I went to the beach again in search of treasure and photos

This is an aerial right above the playground at the park

Here is a little world photo I made above the river

A panoramic looking out from our beach

And a panoramic looking toward our beach from the river

While we were there everyone else was playing Settlers of Catan

We got to see the beautiful sky as the sun was beginning to set

That evening we went to a friend's house for a party. There was good food, music, dancing, and glow sticks

Happy New Year!

The kids had fun counting down 7:35 pm ;)

And kissing

Mason had lots of fun with his friend Venna

Here is a cute video of Henry dancing

Here is a our Video 365 video for 2021 (you can see the fireworks from the party at the end)

On New Years Day we took down all of the Christmas decorations. Kim and Nixon also went skating together

For Lyza's second Christmas we had her great grandpa and grandma Bullock record the nativity story in a book for her. We have loved that book but have been worried about its longevity. While Kim and Nixon were out skating I decided to digitize the book so that we can have it forever and not have to worry about the electronics in the book failing.

We hope you have a great week and new year! Take care!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week!
    Cool drone shots, Daniel!
    Keep up the reading Lyza, that's awesome! M
    ason, I love seeing your Lego builds.
    Henry, you make a very dapper & adorable train conductor.
    Nixon, I hope you find lots of buried treasure with that metal detector. So cool!
    Kim, you inspired me to get a puzzle to work on with my kids! A fun idea as it is crazy cold here and we are inside too much.
    Happy New Year you guys!

    PS. Please send me a message with what you use to edit the 365 videos if it's an app. Jason is really into making videos with out home videos and photos lately. I want to encourage his help in documenting our family! ;)
