Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving and It's Beginning to Look A Little Bit Like Christmas

Today we begin with Lyza's napping habits. Lately it has been a battle to get her to sleep.

Sometimes it takes her 2 hours of jumping around, kicking, singing, screaming, and talking before she will fall asleep.
But when she does fall asleep we have the next two hours to ourselves. She also looks adorable when she finally falls asleep.

When Lyza finally falls asleep it is like pure bliss in our house! But it usually doesn't take long for us to miss her and secretly hope that she will wake up again so we can enjoy her shenanigans.
Like when she finds a toque and wears it around the house thinking she is so cool.

Or like when we are folding laundry and she has to "help"/try and put everything on.

Or like how she can be the cutest little eater or the most disgusting messy eater ever. This picture is more on the cute side.
She is a sweet little girl and we are blessed to have her. She is also getting excited about her little brother inside mommy's tummy.
Here is Kim at 26 weeks

We have been really excited to get into the Christmas spirit, so this week we started getting some Christmas decorations out.
Lyza got a Little People nativity set that she really likes.

Here is Lyza helping mommy decorate the tree. 

 We celebrated Thanksgiving this week with just the three and a half of us. We made a feast of a meal that could have easily fed 10+ people. We like leftovers.
 There was much more food that didn't make it onto the table...
 Thanksgiving day we had lots of fun watching movies and listening to Christmas music.
 Lyza is so comfortable eating her mashed potatoes and gravy that she has her foot up on the table. What a little lady!
 Today I took the Christmas decorating outside and hung up some Christmas lights. Its not as impressive as Clark Griswold's lighting, but it will have to do for now.
To end things off here is a little video of Lyza and her momma dancing to some Christmas tunes (to Hannah's favorite actually).

Take Care.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! It made me happy to see what you guys have been up to.
    Looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks!!! xo
