When we went to Edmonton in May (before baby Mason had arrived) we had some Keyes family photos done.
Lyza has been getting better with bikes, scooters, and the like
This is Lyza on her balance bike a couple of weeks ago and she is even more confident now
But nothing beats finding a lady bug
This face has been spending a lot of time at our house
We are loving this little boy
This is our new family walk configuration since our 4 year old and 2 year old never have enough energy to walk
This little girl loves the beach
Nixon goes in the water and gets cold, lays in the sun and heats up, then goes back in the water, and the cycle repeats over and over
We went huckleberry picking a couple of weeks ago for family home evening
All of the berries were gone. The best time would have been right at the end of June, but we were a little preoccupied at that time (Mason was born June 29th). We still had fun though
The kids liked eating the few berries we came home with
By the pictures we post you would think that these two are best buds and always attached at the hip. That isn't exactly true, but they do have fun together sometimes
They had lots of fun together at the most recent library activity
They made these crazy hats
There was live music too
Doesn't he look awesome in this hat?
Cute boy
The kids had lots of fun playing in the sprinklers with their friend Remi
And treats after
Mason turned one month!
So cute!
This picture is adorable
This is Nixon's favorite reading spot
We had a primary party at the beach last Saturday that was a lot of fun
I had lots of fun swimming with Lyza. She is getting really good
Nixon likes to get buckets of water and throw them on the dry sand
It was a pretty windy day so the kids needed to lay out in the sun and warm up
Lunch was yummy and it was fun holding the sleeping doll
Recently on our "walks" we have been letting the kids take their water guns and they love running around and shooting everything
What are you thinking about little guy?
I love how reverent he looked in sacrament meeting last week
Kim's cousin Ashley came for a visit last Sunday and got lots of Mason time
She and Kim went out for lunch on Monday and I took the kids to the park for a picnic lunch
This was Nixon's favorite spot
Ashley read lots of books with the kids
Silly Lyza
Lyza and I took some silly selfies
Kim had a nap one day last week and Mason slept in bed beside her. I really love this picture
Kim is wishing away summer so she can dress Mason up in these cute crochet hats
One afternoon our neighbor Sandy stopped by and told Kim that she had a craving for ice cream, so she went to the store and bought ice cream and cones. When she got home she realized she already had ice cream in the freezer, so she brought some cones over for the kids to get rid of some of her ice cream surplus. That is my kind of neighbor!
Sleeping in the baby carrier
But Mason isn't always all smiles and sweet dreams
Lyza got this sticker/activity book this week. Kim gave it to her at Nixon's nap time, which is when Lyza gets her TV time and is usually glued to the TV for as long as we will let her watch. She had so much fun. She told Kim "this is even better than watching TV" and a few minutes later said "it's like I was born to do this." She played with that book for 5 hours straight, until we made her stop for dinner.
Doesn't he look awesome!
I made bird houses with the kids this week...meaning I made bird houses and tried to explain what I was doing while they ran around the front yard
We love these dreamy smiles
If we are ever gone from home and you are looking for us, you should probably check the river first ;-)
Kim's and Lyza's feet are proof
We have been "hatching" a dinosaur egg these last few days. Lyza has been so excited to see the progress of her little egg
On Friday I had a company lunch with boating afterward on the lake. There was a big pontoon/party boat, and this little speed boat. I went on the speed boat with these two and had a blast. It was really fast for its size (40 mph) but because it is so small and light it gets tossed around by the waves a lot. We hit a lot of air and my back is pretty sore. It felt like an amusement park ride. Lots of fun.
Of course I took lots of selfies ;)
This is how everyone eats grapes right?
Super Mason and his favorite big brother
These goofy kids trying on women's head bands
Fascinated with the dinosaur egg
We went to an art festival in Coeur d'Alene yesterday called Art on the Green
The kids love the giant sand castle
They got artsy with clay
and painting
Why not crawl on the bubbling boulder?
Their finished works of art
Kim made these cute shorts with an old pair of Lyza's jeans with holes in the knees
Can you tell we love this guy?
We will leave you with a video of one of Nixon's silly little games. Take care
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