One of my most recent projects has been updating the lights on the outside of our garage. They were looking pretty rough
So I gave them a fresh coat of paint
They look much better now
The hydrangeas we got for free from the City have bloomed and are looking really pretty. Notice the third outdoor light that I forgot to paint?
I love these two. On a walk last week where I have Mason and Nixon in the stroller, Lyza was quick to point out that the boys were the leaders and the girls were following behind

Our friends had some new baby guinea pigs that we took the kids to see
Lyza and Nixon got some books in the mail this week from Kim's cousin Ashley. Pretty excited!
Lyza loves reading
Here she is trying to read to Mason
Nixon plays outside no matter what the weather. Rain or shine
Clean little boy after his bath
The kids and I had a fun bubble dance party this week
The kids like when we take selfies together
They also really like taking silly selfies
I wish I looked this good when I slept
Mason has been working on his non-crying voice
His big brother is infatuated with him. He always says "so cute" and gives him kisses
This silly little boy loves to change his clothes
Relaxing in mom's bed, he probably held still for less than a second before he was off doing something busy
Kim spent some time thinning out the strawberry plants after a big rain and the kids found some pretty big worms
Lyza has been making her bed recently, even though it is usually when she is cleaning up her room right before bed. She is so sweet
A woman in our ward asked Kim if she could make Mason a blessing outfit. This is something Kim had been worrying about. Within just a few days, and only 1 day after we gave her Mason's measurements, she had it all finished. He is going to look cute. What a sweet and thoughtful lady!
Someone has a cute hat
Crooked sunglasses and a band-aid on his face...I wouldn't want to mess with this guy!
T-rex loves milk
Did I mention that he loves his little brother?
We had a dance party yesterday morning after breakfast, so Nixon decided to dress up in some of Lyza's gear
Story time, gather 'round
A couple of months ago there was a family in our ward that was giving away bunk beds. They were in pretty rough shape, with stickers all over, and ugly wood color (you can see on the inside of the rail in the picture below). I have spent lots of time cleaning, patching, and painting them, and finally assembled them yesterday.
Lyza's reaction was cute when she saw her new bed all put together
After that I partially assembled the top bunk. I still have to add the railing, and build a ladder, and we have to buy a mattress. It is bitter sweet thinking that Nixon and Lyza are going to share a room soon. We aren't sure how well it is going to work, but we are going to give it a try. They are excited about it. I hope it works out.
Lyza wore a new dress to church today and looked so beautiful
We had a special stake conference this weekend with Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Meurs, a new Seventy, attending. Our stake presidency was released and another was called. It was a special experience being able to listen to an apostle and general authority live and right where we live. Elder Meurs was really cool. He was called as a general authority this last April general conference and was being trained by Elder Christofferson on how to reorganize a stake. Here is his "I am a Mormon" video
Take care
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