We were welcomed to Welling by cats and kittens. They kids were loving it!
Norma got this cool picture of the sky
I thought the picture could look even better with a couple of the distracting elements removed
On the 2nd we went to a Canada day parade in Raymond. Doesn't Mason look so cute in this Canada hat from Grandma Keyes?
What is even more cute is hearing him say "Canada"
Me and my radiant daughter (it was a little cold out)
We had some time to kill before the parade started so bubbles kept the kids busy for a while
There was also a drone flying above us that kept the kids entertained
Who could resist throwing this kid candy?
Let the parade begin
Are they wearing seat belts up there?
Beautiful smiles
More fun with cats
Mason got to open up a birthday present at Grandma and Grandpa's
The family that is renting Kim's Grandparents' house have kids a little older than ours that they made good friends with. They also have some fun swings
Lyza made it her responsibility to train the kittens. This was one of the lessons
These kittens got LOTS of love!
I wonder how many butterflies he caught on the trampoline
Nixon loved helping Grandpa mow the lawn
Double trouble!
Helping Grandpa replace the lawn mower blades
The kids spent some time in Magrath at the park
Lyza was playing mom and treating Mason like a son and helping him through the park
Someone this good at climbing doesn't need his hand held
see-saw with Grandma
Scones with Nutella...yum
Lyza testing Grandma's magna-tiles
Jumping on the tramp before swimming lessons
Swimming lessons were a big hit this year. Both kids did well and improved lots
Mason also got some time in the kiddie pool
Mason had fun on this little slide
Nixon cuddling mama's bump
This is a game Kim played as a child called Going to Grandma's House.
The kids (and Lyza especially) had the best time finding grasshoppers. She had probably close to 40 at some point. Eventually she resolved an internal struggle she was having and decided it would be best to let the grasshoppers go so they could live, rather than hold on to them and make them die. She came to Kim in tears after she let them go. She can be so sweet!
Everyone went to the splash park one evening
Mason owned the water gun
Mason got surprised by the shooting water
Nixon loves snuggling up to Grandpa
The magna-tiles stick to the coffee table!
Mason got a bubble gun from Auntie Amanda in Calgary. Here he is enjoying it
And "sharing" with his brother
Swimming pool at Grandma and Grandpa's, he couldn't wait until he was in his swimming suit.
Mason looks so comfortable in this picture. Although, I know Mason and suspect he only held still long enough to get the picture
That isn't how you skateboard...
Pretty butterfly on a pretty girl
Play-Doh time
The discovered the voice changing capabilities of a fan
The neighbors even set up a big swimming pool!
Nixon found a surrogate dad in his Uncle Wes
This guy is king of the back float
He was so happy to show off his new skills
Lyza down the water slide
Good thing Grandma was close
Look at the joy on her face
I only had a couple of days in Welling then I had to head home. While I was home alone I misbehaved a little bit...
The kids's reaction to my behavior is pretty funny. Kim missed one of the best comments though...
Nixon told Kim that she should call the police on me!
Mason got spoiled at Grandma's. She let him stir everything. Since we have been home he thinks he gets to do the same. Thanks Grandma!
Dinosaur snakes and ladders with Ashley is the best
Kim and Grandma took the kids to a movie
Lyza developed an ear infection at the same time so she wasn't very happy. I think the loud movie probably hurt her ear
Visit to Great Grandma and Grandpa in Raymond
Great Grandpa showing off his high five skills
Look at all of those young boys
I wish we had a tire swing...maybe that should be the next project
Running around in the sprinklers
Another caterpillar
I am not sure how to caption this...Leave a comment with how you think this should be captioned and the winner gets a high five next time you see Kim
Reading clues on a treasure hunt.
The treasure at the end was Kinder Surprises!
The fun in Welling eventually had to stop and the family had to drive home. A picnic in Cranbrook helped break up the drive
Then a little playing at the park
And lots of time in the van
I had a good time in Welling and I am sure the rest of the family had an even better time.
Take care!
Take care!