Sunday, June 2, 2019

Memorial Day Hiking and a 9 Month Old Baby

Last Sunday we had another family over for dinner. They also have 4 kids of similar ages. While we were sitting around visiting the kids were playing. Kim went to check on them at one point and they were all in the family room reading together! They were such good examples for our kids ;)
 For Memorial Day on Monday we all chose to go hiking. Henry had his first hike in this carrier
 I took the two big kids here last year and we found some water with lots of fish. They asked if we could bring nets to try and catch the fish.
 We may have looked pretty silly hiking around with nets

Helping Mason over some mud
 This is the area we were trying to get back to
 When we made it to this bridge we passed the point where we should have went off trail to get down to the water. We eventually figured that out ;)

 There are lots of places at this park that people rock climb
 We made it down to a different part of the water and spent some time throwing rocks and eating snacks

 Henry was happy to get out of that pack and eat

A bald eagle circled around us at one point
 We found some pretty lilacs on the trail 
 I got to hold Mason's hand for lots of the steep parts. It was fun when he wasn't fighting it
 We made it to the part we planned on going to. It is under a dam spillway that we probably shouldn't be playing near (others do it so it must be safe...)
 Lyza loves the water striders
 Henry was having a nap by this point
 After that hike we went to Falls Park to try and catch tadpoles
There were lots of ducks and geese there

Mason got way too close 

 We tried our best to find tadpoles but were unsuccessful (maybe it is too late in the year)
Lyza's friend behind us came over for a little while and Lyza was playing these games with him that she learned from her mom the week before
Henry turned 9 months old this week so he got a two-part photo shoot. Enjoy!

He has a very expressive tongue

He also loves to clap

And he is getting close to standing

Nixon has a special bond with Henry
Mason wanted to join in and Kim asked him to move his head a little closer to Nixon's. So Mason placed his forehead on Nixon's head...
Mason has quite the personality
A mixture of Spider Man and Batman would be really successful
Yesterday was beautiful so we spent a few hours at the beach together. I got to take the kids around on a kayak

Henry was so happy and cute
So peaceful

Kim got some good snuggles with Henry

This crazy plane flew over us a few times
The kids were so busy! They had lots of friends there so they were always off playing hard

He looked like he was having fun
Mason did really well
But eventually he got tired and it was time to go
Walking back with my crazies
Popsicles after the beach were a nice treat
Hope you have a good week. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great photos. Enjoyed reading what you guys have been up to. Thanks for posting, as always.
