For some reason this video wouldn't upload last week. It is cute watching Nixon help Mason get into pajamas
Nixon is so good with Henry
We went for a walk last Sunday and Nixon asked for a shoulder ride
Mason brought us a dandelion from the forest and upon close inspection it had a snail on it
Miss Lyza found a lady bug
One of the few peaceful moments we get every now and then
Henry saying hello
Henry is getting to try more and more foods and that makes us all happy
He is such an adorable boy!
Hanging out on the hammock
The kids have been practicing Father's Day songs in primary so I got an early preview
I made partner at work! There will be a celebratory dinner at the end of July
I like to get selfies with Henry every opportunity I can get
For family home evening on Monday we had a lesson outside
This bird has different coloring (all of the speckles on the chest) than the usual robins we see all the time in our yard
Playing at the beach park
Where are his shoes?
So cute!
I know he likes to help with laundry but this is too far ;)
On Tuesday night we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate the end of the school year. The kids (and even their parents) had so much fun!
It would be easy to find the motivation to exercise every day if this was your work out partner
The fun you can have with play dough, a skewer, and Cheerios
This video of Henry stuck behind the door is cute
Lyza had her last day of first grade!
This was her first day
We are so proud of her, she did a great job!
All ready for his diaper change?
Lyza with her teacher Mr. Miley
There was a barbecue at school on the last day. Henry seemed to enjoy himself
Is Mason mad at that hot dog?
He is his mother's son
I spent Thursday in Boise at a CLE. The temple was only a 15 minute walk away
This fountain was pretty
This stained glass window was also cool
I made it home in time for a late bed time
The next morning the two big kids had no respect for their mom's personal space
There was a big family-centered event in Coeur d'Alene on Friday that Kim and the kids attended. The kids got to make their own buttons
There was an obstacle course
A smiling baby!
Rock painting
What does the fox say?
Kim just missed getting a video of the dinosaur roaring and scaring the kids
They got to play with some heavy machinery
There was also a petting zoo!
I read an article about humming bird feeder maintenance that said the feeders need to be cleaned every three days to prevent bacteria growth that can harm the birds. I took that to heart and cleaned the feeder and set it back up Saturday morning. I set the camera up like last time hoping I would catch a bird on video. I recorded for over two hours and never noticed one but also was not watching closely the whole time.
When I reviewed the footage at 32x speed I saw that we did have a visitor!
I think it is so amazing how fast these birds move
While I had the tripod set up I decided to get a picture with Henry
Later in the day I took the kids down to the park and got a picture of this little bird over the river
The dynamic duo playing in the forest
Mason made a friend with a dog
Henry had these baby crackers for the first time
All three kids ended out talking to that woman for a long time and playing with her dog
We saw a couple eagles but once again I didn't have the big lens :(
There were some pretty flowers at the park
Our Boss Baby
A couple more pictures with Henry
Last night Henry started saying "mama." I kind of got it on video but not as good as he was saying it before. I also got him clicking his tongue for the first time
Take care
So many great pictures of your family adventures! Lyza- way to go on finishing grade 1! (High five, cute girl!)