Sunday, June 28, 2020

Our Father's Day, Playing at the Beach, and Do We Still Need to Count the Weeks of Quarantine? (15 FYI)

I don't think we have shared this on the blog before. This is a stop motion video Lyza made for her teacher's birthday
Sunday morning Kim and I each read Good Night Gorilla with Henry and tried to catch his reactions on video
For Father's Day I got spoiled with waffles with fresh fruit and whipped cream
Nixon and Mason enjoyed some building after breakfast

Before our church service we did some pictures outside

Henry thought he was pretty funny

What a silly bunch

Kim also took my picture

The kids sang to me
After church we did a few gifts

What a cool gift idea
I also got the cutest card

In the afternoon I played on the trampoline with the big boys (luckily Kim didn't take pictures when all three of us were shirtless ;)
I got to grill for dinner with my new custom apron

Kim made a delicious caramel brownie cheese cake for dessert

Don't worry, I shared
It got hot inside so we did our scripture study on the front porch
What a great day! I have the best family
There was a monster slug on our pack porch that I couldn't pass up photographing
They are so strange looking

There have been lots of beach days this week
What a deep hole they dug at the beach
The beach girl herself
When Kim suggested waffle B.E.L.T.s for dinner I had no complaints
We got this bike trailer for free and took it out for a spin
Lyza got a new bike so I got it all tuned up

Nixon also got a new bike
Kim got some peonies from our neighbors

These boys had a blast playing with big and small water balloons

Meanwhile, Lyza was spraying ants

I am surprised at how hard it was to pop those big balloons (and also the small ones)
Is it just me or do the eyes of Mason's drawing have coronas?
Henry thought he was pretty cool with these goggles on
Nixon laying in the sun to get warm. He kind of looks like a dead fish ;)
Two floaties on land?
Monkey see monkey do
Nixon is obsessed with climbing trees. Too bad we don't have more climbing trees around
Lyza found this big beetle at the park

When it was Mason's turn to have the beetle he talked to it and took it down the slide
We went to the beach Friday night after work and Mason wanted to wear a hat so I gave him mine to wear. He looked so cute
This video of Mason explaining what he wrote on his drawing is awesome
We had seven couples over yesterday for dinner and to play minute to win it games in the backyard
One example of the game was you had to put a cookie on your forehead and get it into your mouth without using hands (I was really bad at it)
We also did some jump rope and Kim and I weren't too bad
It was a really fun night and it was a treat to just laugh and have a good time
Take care

1 comment:

  1. Daniel, nice to see that you had a special Father's Day!
