Sunday, July 19, 2020

Family Silverwood Day!

The kids had making friendship bracelets on their summer bucket list. Here is Nixon sporting his.
 The bucket list also had this activity breaking ice with different things frozen in it

 Big pancake for breakfast
 I took the day off work on Thursday and we went to Silverwood as a family
 We had so much fun
 It was exhausting!

 The flowers on the way out were really pretty
 Here is a video of some of the fun
I tried to watch the neowise comet one night but couldn't see it from our house. I did get a good view of the big dipper though
 The kids were so proud of this mountain they made in the sand box
 On Friday night I drove out to the prairie to try and see the comet. I got it in one of my first pictures without even realizing it (bottom right quadrant near the power lines)
 Clouds came in and started covering the area near the big dipper so I shot another part of the sky and caught a shooting star (top right quadrant)
 I also had fun with light trails from cars
 Mason is getting more creative
 Our raspberries are doing really well this year

 I have been stalking the wasps with my macro lenses

 The movement of its bum/stinger is really unsettling
I have also been trying to get shots of the bees. They are really hard to photograph because they are always on the move

 You can see from this video that they never hold still
I also found a nasty looking spider while I was cleaning in the garage. It kind of looks like a black widow

 It was really hot yesterday so we went to the beach. Lyza enjoyed reading before she got in the water
 Henry is ready for fun
 Mason looks so cute when he wears my hat
That's all for now. Take care

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