Sunday, July 12, 2020

Warm Weather + Water = FUN!

As part of our lesson for church last week we dicussed our ability to influence other's moods. We tried to keep straight faces while making the other person smile
It was lots of fun
 The kids then worked on drawing how they can make others feel happy

 They did a pretty good job
That evening we set off the fireworks we had left over from the 4th

The kids had lots of fun playing in the sprinklers
 On Monday we drove out to Rathdrum mountain to do a new book walk and we ran into one of my distant relatives
 We found a birds nest

 There was a book to read along the path

 The path followed and crossed a stream a couple of times and Kim ended out getting her feet wet
Henry was a maniac and was falling all over the place
 Mason examining another statue
 This boy loves to pose in the forrest

 Banging a stick on a tree...must be Mason 
 Lyza was at one with nature
 Nixon squat-waddled all the way accross this log
 The best was his celebration at the end "I am Victory!"
After our hike we went to a new park

 Henry wanted to be like the big kids
 Look at that happy face 
 Sandbox volcano was on our bucket list and we got to cross it off this week

 Henry's reaction is so cute
Magic tricks have also been on the bucket list
And making friendship bracelts
 This guy just happened to be right outside me window while I had the camera ready
 I got some inexpensive macro extension tubes that allow me to use any lens like a macro lens. It opens up a whole new photographic world
Here is a portion of a raspberry
 A wasp
 Ants and a moth
With no advanced notice or planning Kim decided she would take all four kids to Silverwood for the day with a friend. She left at 11am and didn't get home until after 9:30pm 😮
 They had SO...MUCH...FUN
 This little guy LOVED the water. He would run out into the waves until he got knocked over or couldn't touch any more. He would also run back to Kim and babble in excitement

 So cute

 After the waterpark they went on a bunch of rides and everyone did pretty well. Lyza built up her courage from the last time she was there and enjoyed the rides much more

 My favorite part of this video is in the middle where Henry is not enjoying the ride
Apparently Lyza loved this area

And what kid doesn't love bumper cars
 Once all the snacks were gone and the kids were hungry after dinner time they got the next best cream

 Kim and her friend ran 13 miles Saturday morning
 I was keeping the kids alive and taking pictures of early morning water droplets. I'll let you decide who had the more productive morning ;)
 After an exhausing morning of running and macro photography it was off to the lake to spend the day with friends
Henry spent lots of time in the water without any fear and he hated when we put a life jacket on him 
 These little birds were everywhere scavanging food

 The only time I could find our kids together is when they were stuffing their faces and refueling

Kim and the girls practiced their synchronized jumping

Then some mixture of Aqua Man and Iron Man showed up
We had lots of fun taking out the jet skis 

Nixon and I had lots of fun on the jet ski
 There was also some floating around

 And lots of digging
 Nixon and I jumped off the dock together. By together I mean we counted to three, I jumped, and he waited until I was back out of the water to jump. And he didn't just jump, he did a crazy roll
 Then we decided we would try it again, except I would try diving
 Nixon never told me that he was going to jump in my way and I almost hit him
 Nixon and Kim had fun together on the jet ski too

Henry was fearless in the water
 He loved getting to the point where he was floating and could kick his feet but then got mad when he started to roll over

Mason also enjoyed jumping off the dock
 Nixon loved the jet skis so much we sent him out with a friend for a little more adventure 


 Lyza also found some courage and took a ride

 It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun
Take care


  1. Looks like lots of fun at the Keyes. You sure got lots of awesome pictures.

  2. It looks like you guys are having too much fun this summer- awesome!
