Sunday, April 4, 2021

Spring Break 2021

On Monday we had our annual Easter FHE where we opened eggs that have scriptures in them about the Savior. We then followed that up with our resurrection rolls for dessert

On Tuesday we took the kids to Flying Squirrel in Spokane and it was SO MUCH FUN!

Here is a video

Here are a few pictures from that night

Lyza with a couple of her friends

Here comes the heat

Baking with the three stooges

Nixon got to go to a friend's house and dye Easter eggs

On April Fools' Day the kids woke up with different eyebrows (and even a partial moustache)

Their reactions

This boy was very animated at the park

Check out that dance

Lookin' good Henry

Lyza has got lots of reading in for spring break

The kids got to take their bikes to the skate park

Here is a video showing how silly Henry can be and how patient Kim can be

Kim made us Navajo tacos this week and they were delicious!

I took the little boys to the hardware store Friday evening and on the way home the sky was beautiful

The Easter bunny came sometime Friday night and left the kids some fun buckets

I got to take Nixon to parkour on Saturday morning and had lots of fun watching him

He loved jumping from beam to beam

In the afternoon we rode our bikes to the park. The kids found an ant hill and loved watching it

Nixon and Kim also went down to the river

And Nixon practiced throwing stones

We love these trees down at the water line when the river is low

The kids found some of these little structures in the forest

Saturday afternoon we took the kids to a community egg hunt at a local church

There are two full size football fields and both were covered with eggs

Lots of kids and even more eggs

It was a little crazy

The kids had lots of fun

They all filled up their buckets

We have also enjoyed General Conference this weekend.

Take care

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week you had! Glad you also had a Happy Easter! 🌷
